God Level Corpse King

Chapter 284 Just For A Fart

Chapter 284 Just For A Fart

While Xiaoqiang was arguing with little Lolisa, he didn't know that he had already provoked a group of professional players.

On the volcanic island, a group of hell clan players were staring at the ship that slaughtered their murlocs.

Among these players are Mogu, Mo Xiaotian, and the three-headed brothers of Hell.

Since being robbed last time, Mogu and Mo Xiaotian have already left the eight-dimensional space. Like the three-headed dog brothers, they have become the subordinates of Scarlet Mythology and serve in the Heavenly Kings Guild.

Because the two were well-known in the past, they served as vice president and cadre respectively in Tianwang, and the three-headed dog brothers were their subordinates.

"Impossible! That hunter ship wiped out our troops!"

"Our raging tide murloc army was completely wiped out?"

Mogu and Mo Xiaotian looked at each other, and both of them had expressions of disbelief on their demonic red faces.

The elite raging tide murlocs they have developed so far are already comparable in combat effectiveness to level 4 arms, and they were completely wiped out after being so skillful.

It can be seen that their enemies are extremely powerful, it can be said that they are so powerful.

"Damn it, it really is the zombie Xiaoqiang!" Mogu put down the binoculars in his hand, his face became ugly.

"Zombie Xiaoqiang has been found?" Several people around were shocked, and their expressions changed suddenly.

Zombie Xiaoqiang can be said to be their deadly enemy. They have all suffered losses at the hands of each other, and they have fallen to this point because of this guy. The mission they are doing now is to subvert Flying Fish Island, and it can be regarded as targeting Zombie Xiaoqiang.

This is not only for the mission, not only for the Scarlet Myth, but also for their own hatred. That's why the Scarlet Myth sent them to carry out this mission sent by the demon king Urgas. The target is Xiaoqiang himself and Flying Fish Island.

However, no one expected that Xiao Qiang would come so fast and with such ferocity, that even the new Raging Tide murloc they worked so hard to develop could not stop him.

"Don't worry, heroes, as long as the sacrifice is completed, put the basalt egg into the devil's blood, and it will be successfully polluted." A tall, devil-like murloc hero said loudly.

His whole body is full of demonic aura, his eyes are red, his muscles are well developed, which can be described as terrifying, and there are a pair of sharp horns on his forehead.

This murloc hero is the key NPC for this mission. The murloc leads Raging Tide, and at the same time this is the leader of Raging Tide Clan.

At this moment, he has accepted the power of the devil and has become an extremely powerful murloc hero, turning his Raging Tide clan into the most powerful existence in the South China Sea.

"Your Excellency Fury, our opponent is extraordinary. He just destroyed our murloc army, and he will come to the island soon." Mogu reminded.

"Hahaha, well done, well done, I just need the blood of the strong to sacrifice, and now they come here, it couldn't be better." Nu Chao opened his bloody mouth and showed a weird sneer.

"Your Excellency Fury, our enemy is a group of undead, that is, the owner of the Flying Fish Island. They don't have any blood sacrifices." Mogu said intentionally.

"Undead? I hate undead the most. His meat is inedible and he has no blood. Take the most powerful murloc guards to kill them all. Don't delay my sacrifice." As he spoke, the angry tide grabbed a person from another tribe. The murloc cut off the opponent's head.

The murloc's head was cut off, and blood spurted out, spraying into a blood pool full of boiling blood, in which was the huge basalt egg.

There seems to be a glimmer of light in the basalt egg, resisting the invasion of the blood force, but it is covered with blood lines, which looks very evil and bloody.

"I can command these murloc guards, that's great!" Mogu's eyes lit up, and he looked at a group of murlocs wearing heavy shells and holding large harpoons beside him.

There are about forty or fifty of these murlocs. They are stronger and more muscular. They hold huge knives, axes, and mallets in their hands, and they look extremely mighty.

[Elite Rage Guard, level 4 elite murloc unit]

These powerful and ferocious murlocs in front of them are the elite of the Raging Tide Clan. They are the real trump cards, and they are also extremely powerful existences.

Mogu, Mo Xiaotian and the others smiled and were full of confidence.

Others don't know how powerful these elite murlocs are, but they know it clearly.

The attack power, defense power, and speed of this elite tide guard are also one of the few in the 4th-level elite troops. Generally, the 4th-level troops are not their opponents at all.

"Guardians of Raging Tide, come with me, let us kill all these invaders." Mogu rushed to the beach with a large group of elite Raging Tide Guards, aggressively.

On the other hand, Xiaoqiang had discovered these big murlocs a long time ago.

"Fuck, these murlocs are so strong, what did they eat to grow up?" He looked at these murlocs, and couldn't help complaining.

Skeleton Knight Buck said: "Master, these murlocs are full of hatred and are very difficult to deal with. Please try not to fight them hand-to-hand, otherwise our army will suffer heavy losses."

"A heavy loss?" Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes.

The gang of tide guards in front of them is really not easy to mess with. They look like they have been on stimulants. They are tall and powerful, and they are very tyrannical. If the vampire swordsmen are allowed to fight, even if they win, they will suffer a lot of losses.

"Just me is all you need, you are waiting for me here." Xiaoqiang ordered, and jumped onto the beach.

Seeing Xiaoqiang coming alone, Mogu immediately laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, zombie Xiaoqiang, let's meet again, you are not here to surrender this time, are you?"

"Hehe, who are you? Why are you being so intimate?" Xiaoqiang rolled his eyes, as if he didn't know each other.

"Nimma, I heard that you have had plastic surgery, but unexpectedly, even your memory has been corrected." Mogu suffocated, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Fuck!Fuck!I'm fucked!

You kid made me notorious and forced me to resign. Now you pretend that you don't know me. Let's see how I deal with you today.

"Mo Xiaotian, three-headed dog brothers, you all go to me, chop this guy into meat paste for me, and then snatch that hunter ship." Mogu roared angrily.

"Kill Xiaoqiang, the opportunity for revenge has come." Mo Xiaotian and the three-headed dog brothers immediately responded loudly.

They waited for a day for a long time, but they didn't expect the opportunity to come like this.

Those elite murlocs raised their weapons one after another, as if they were about to charge and kill the enemy, which can be described as menacing.

"Wait a minute, why don't you ask me why I came here alone?" Xiaoqiang asked loudly.

"For what? Do you want to single us all out? Hahahaha, this is ridiculous." Mogu, Mo Xiaotian and others laughed.

"Wrong, I came here just to fart." Xiaoqiang shook his head, pretending to be mysterious.

"Fart? You came here alone just to fart?" Mogu and the others were stunned and confused.

Nima, what the hell is the other party doing?What the hell does farting mean?

Thanks to OnePerson for tipping 2 combos!Winter is here, Shiba often oversleep, readers?
(End of this chapter)

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