Chapter 285

After Xiaoqiang finished speaking, he took off his trousers (of course there was an evil mosaic), and pointed his bare buttocks at the people in front of him.

"Damn, are you insulting us like the Scots?"

"Damn, how dare you point your ass at us, you're courting death!"

"Brothers, kill me!"

Mogu and the others were so angry that their seven orifices were filled with smoke, and they felt that they had been humiliated.

A group of elite murlocs pounced forward with their bloody mouths wide open, even the ground was trembling.

And Xiaoqiang squinted his eyes halfway, as if he was planning something.

He took a deep breath, his stomach was constantly distended, and then he sank suddenly.


With a weird and sharp farting sound across the sky, an extremely powerful green air jet shot out directly from Xiaoqiang's ass.

These green air currents are as solid as they are very thick, instantly covering the entire space in front of them.

Mogu and the others were stunned.

This is a fart, a very loud and smelly fart, unexpectedly the other party actually farted.

And this fart can be described as shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods.

"This fart really stinks."

"I'll go, what the hell kind of skill is this? Why can a fart emit such stinky gas?"

Mogu and the others were immediately dizzy from the stench, and felt like vomiting, suffocating, and almost passed out.

The ferocious elite murloc guards around them also showed pain on their faces. It seemed that their morale had been severely hit, and they all let out howls of wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah

Mogu is extremely depressed, the zombie Xiaoqiang disgusts the enemy's ability. It's not like they haven't seen it before, but they never imagined that the other party's fart has such a powerful power, and it makes the entire army and their heroes so painful, ** ******what.

"Be careful, this is poisonous gas, drink the healing potion quickly, otherwise we may die." Mogu saw his status bar.

It was discovered that there was an additional negative state called nerve gas, and the nerve gas was reducing their blood volume, and the rate of decline was still very fast.

[Information reminder: You are affected by nerve gas, -10 points of health per second, and you will be particularly uncomfortable and nauseated, and the morale of the units is -5]

Seeing that the nerve gas was so disgusting, everyone took out the healing potion and antidote potion, ready to swallow it immediately.

As a professional player, these medicines are must-have treasures.

However, a grim figure emerged from the green fart mist.

His speed is extremely fast, but that handsome and cold face is unforgettable for a lifetime.

The owner of this face is the zombie Xiaoqiang. He waved his fist and attacked the crowd.

"Don't let him sneak attack." Mogu yelled, as if he had seen the other party's intention.

However, just as everyone was getting ready to fight, Xiaoqiang had already passed by them, but with extremely fast speed and the visual interference caused by the fart fog, he punched each hero, and then disappeared .

Everyone took this opportunity and took the healing potion and antidote potion.

Within minutes, the fart mist dissipates in the sea breeze.

Everyone saw Xiaoqiang clearly again, he was standing motionless in front of him, as if he was waiting for something.

"Xiaoqiang, you will use some weird skills to disgust us, but what's the use of it, you're still going to die next time." Mogu laughed.

"Dead? Hehehe, hahaha, hahaha!" Xiaoqiang laughed out loud, very wildly!

Seeing Xiaoqiang laughing loudly, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, almost peeing in shock.

Xiaoqiang's smile is really horrible, his face has been distorted into a big "囧", like an alien, and like a ghost, anyway, it is so ugly that it will definitely scare children to cry, and it may scare adults to piss.

Anyway, the ugly ones fly up, and the ugly ones make people want to bump their heads to death.

Fuck!This guy is about to die, what the hell are you laughing at, it's really disgusting, I can't bear to look straight at him.

"Damn it, what the hell are you laughing at?" Mogu couldn't help saying angrily.

"I'm laughing that you don't even know when your death is imminent." Xiaoqiang restrained his smile and said lightly

"It's you who is dying!"

"If each of us spits, we will spit you to death."

Mogu and the others said angrily.

"Really? Then you guys try it." After Xiaoqiang finished speaking, his face returned to coldness.

He started to take steps, walking forward step by step, he didn't seem to have any fear, and he couldn't see any emotion, anyway, he was getting closer to the enemy step by step.

"Damn it, what the hell are you doing?" Mogu said angrily.

He looked at each other in blank dismay with everyone around him, he really didn't understand what Xiaoqiang wanted to do, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

What this Xiaoqiang did was out of common sense, and he didn't play cards according to common sense. They didn't know whether the other party was a lunatic or a peerless master, which made them very nervous.

Xiaoqiang just walked up to the murlocs step by step, walked up to Mogu and the others, and said loudly with a fearless look, "You are already dead!"

"Hahaha, are we dead? Are you crazy, everyone, let's go together and overthrow this guy, today we will have revenge." The three-headed dog brother said coldly.

"Yes, many of us are still afraid of you alone? You should be the one who died." Mo Xiaotian raised a red sword.

"Today, I'm going to kill you zombie with my own hands, go to hell!" Mogu also raised his axe.

The surrounding murlocs and these Hell Clan heroes raised their weapons and slashed at Xiao Qiang.

"1, 2, 3... It's time to die." Xiaoqiang said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Xiaotian, the three-headed dog brothers and dozens of elite murloc guards who were brandishing their weapons suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground dead.

Green liquid flowed out of their mouths, and there were ulcers and two small holes in the place that Xiaoqiang touched.

"Why is this? Why is my blood volume empty?" Mogu, who had the most blood volume, watched the soldiers and heroes around him fall down as if they had been harvested. He felt very weak all over his body, and his blood volume suddenly dropped to zero.

He didn't understand what happened until he died, why the blood volume was instantly cleared to zero?Why did everyone die?
Did this Xiaoqiang use some kind of BUG?No, this is too weird, I want to report him.

"Zombie Xiaoqiang, I want to report you. If you use bugs to kill people, you will be banned..." After speaking, Mogu lost all breath and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Fuck, report me? Do you think I killed you with a bug? How funny!" Xiaoqiang shook his head and looked at the snake-shaped ring on his right hand.

[Reaper's Snake Ring: A primary artifact, this is a ring incarnated by the ancient Reaper, +100 mana points, can use the Death's Serpent's touch (can be attached to weapons or body parts), consumes 10 points of mana.

This toxin will cause the target to suffer the toxin damage of the Death Snake instantly for 10 hours. If it enters the combat state, the poison damage will appear at 100 points of damage per second until death. touch]

There is a magic weapon, that is, he is so cool, he can overwhelm an army in minutes!
(End of this chapter)

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