God Level Corpse King

Chapter 371 Bar Fight

Chapter 371 Bar Fight
"Huh? There are actually people standing up for the young master. It seems that this is in the rhythm of the plot." Xiaoqiang looked at the few people who stood up for him in surprise.

Originally, a person who dared to stand up for himself should be a powerful NPC hero, but it turned out that these three people were not NPCs, but players.

Among the three, the leader is called Ji Rounan, a Beamon orc, and he can be regarded as a template for an epic hero.

The other two are also beast tribes, one is called "I am Erbi", an orc shaman wearing bone armor, and the other is Wu Tian, ​​a rather rare bear man.

And all three of them have reached level 50.

"It's incredible that someone entered the great route before me." Xiaoqiang was a little surprised.

The nicknames of the three people in front of them are clearly players from China, which means that the three of them entered the great route before him. It seems that the task of entering the great route is not limited to the Naga tribe.

"Lock, don't think that the three of us are afraid of you. If you dare to do something, the three of us will play with you. Do you dare to go to the arena to play?" Ji Rounan waved at Locke.

"You wait for me, brothers... let's go!" The mermaid Locke took a breath, and then left the bar with a group of mermaids.

He walked in a desperate manner, as if he was quite afraid of Ji Rounan and the others.

"Thank you guys." Xiaoqiang immediately cupped his hands when he saw the three players.

"You're welcome, everyone is a player in China, so you don't need to be polite. We have also admired your name for a long time." Ji Rounan and others said very politely.

When they saw the zombie Xiaoqiang, they all recognized each other.

Compared with Zombie Xiaoqiang's prestige, everyone knows everyone in the national server. It is not easy for amateur players like them to see the opponent appear.

It is also appropriate to help form a good relationship.

Xiaoqiang greeted the three of them a few words, and then asked how Ji Rounan and the others reached the great route.

Ji Rounan and the others did not hide anything, and told the general mission process.

It turned out that the three of them had inadvertently performed a hidden mission. The last step of this mission was to open a vortex gate and send the ship to the great route.

The end result of this task is the same as the task given by the Naga clan, but it is much simpler.

However, Ji Rounan, Wu Tian, ​​I am the second force and others are also unlucky enough.

Due to the large number of sea monsters and pirates along the way, their ships were vulnerable to attack. After being sunk, they floated all the way to Bailang City with the strong physique of the orcs.

Since then, they have been staying in the arena here to play and make money. They can't even explore because there are no ships and soldiers.

"That's the way it is. The sea monsters and pirates here are too powerful. We can only leave here after we have accumulated a certain amount of money to buy ships and soldiers." Ji Rounan sighed.

They thought it would be a good thing to enter the great route ahead of time, but it was a pity that they were trapped here.

"Aside from you, are there any other players who have come to the Great Route?" Xiaoqiang asked.

"There were a few human masters who also entered the great route ahead of time. They were luckier than us. Now they have set off for another city on the great route. I don't know how the situation is." Ji Rounan replied.

"I see. It seems that it is not a bug or an ultra-rare task for players to enter the Great Route ahead of time, but a common occurrence." Xiaoqiang nodded slightly, and finally figured out what was going on.

"Everyone, what can I do for you?" Xiaoqiang couldn't help asking when he saw the pitiful appearance of the three of them.

The three of them were able to barely enter the great route to reach the White Wolf City. Obviously, they are all masters, and now they are just in trouble.

Since the other party wants to form a good relationship, he does not suggest to repay the kindness of a drop of water.

After all, one more friend is better than one more enemy.

"We have accumulated a lot of soldiers so far, and we only need a level 5 warship below, and only a level 5 warship can sail on the great route." Ji Rounan sighed: "Brother Xiaoqiang, if you have extra level 5 warships, can you You can’t sell us one at a low price, just one.”

"Well, it's okay to be a human being, but unfortunately I don't have any extra warships in my hands. Please understand this." Xiaoqiang nodded.

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouting outside the bar.

"Zombie Xiaoqiang, are you in there? The lord of our Naga tribe wants to see you."

Xiaoqiang was slightly taken aback: "What? The lord of the Naga tribe wants to see me? Could it be that Lan Xin did it?"

He was still in a daze, but Ji Rounan, Wu Tian and the others were already astonished.

"Hey, brother Xiaoqiang, you are really amazing. The lord of the Naga clan is the most powerful existence at present. I didn't expect him to specially summon you." Ji Rounan showed a surprised look.

"Uh, I came here to do a mission to save a group of Naga, maybe because of this." Xiaoqiang returned lightly.

"Saved the Naga clan? Isn't that the most difficult mission to save the Naga clan in the legend?" Wu Tian couldn't help but screamed.

As powerful amateur professional players, they know about this mission, because some people in the US server and European server have already released this mission.

Completing the task of saving the Naga clan is very difficult, and only the world's first-class guilds can complete it. As long as the Naga clan is rescued, the player will be able to get the rewards of the Naga clan. You will get Naga clan rewards in the Great Route or the Caribbean Sea. support.

It's a pity that due to the extremely high difficulty, there are very few guilds that can handle the task of rescuing the Naga tribe, and there are not many in the world.

Unexpectedly, the zombie Xiaoqiang, who only played alone, triggered this task and completed it. After all, he is an awesome existence in the national server.

"Everyone, I'll take my leave first. I'll see you later when I have time. I'll keep an eye on the ship for you." Xiaoqiang said and walked out of the bar door.

Looking at Xiaoqiang's majestic figure striding forward, Ji Rounan, Wu Tian and I were the two of them with admiration in their eyes.

It turns out that the No. [-] zombie in the national server is so awesome, so courageous, and he has completed an impossible task.

What a great man in China!
I was the second guy who first suggested: "Ji Rounan, Wu Tian, ​​why don't we join Xiaoqiang's fleet and hang out with him."

Wu Tian also said: "It makes sense, if you follow the zombie Xiaoqiang, you will definitely be famous one day."

"Ahem, I think so too, but can you bear all kinds of nausea from the undead race?" Ji Rounan asked, rolling her eyes.

The other two were speechless for a while.

That's right, the undead clan is well-known for being disgusting all over the world, and Xiaoqiang is a representative player of the disgusting undead. If they want to join Xiaoqiang, they will probably be disgusted to death.

(End of this chapter)

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