God Level Corpse King

Chapter 372 Chapter 4 and 2 Naga Lord

Chapter 372 Chapter Four Hundred and Twelve
Walking out of the bar, I saw a dozen or so Naga people holding weapons standing outside.

These Naga tribes look very weird, with multiple arms constantly swinging, and each of them looks smiling.

Several of them carried a large sedan chair.

"Warrior Xiaoqiang, our lord has just learned about your rescue of His Royal Highness Lan Xin, and we would like to express our sincere thanks for that, so I would like to invite you to the temple." The leader Naga warrior replied.

"Okay, then let's go." Xiaoqi was mentally prepared for this, and immediately agreed.

"Dear guest, please sit on this sedan chair, which is specially prepared for you." Naga warrior said with a smile.

"Sit in this sedan chair?" Xiaoqiang was quite puzzled.

This charming child is full of jewels and looks extremely gorgeous, her body is inlaid with all kinds of pearls, gemstones and corals, it can be described as bright eyes.

Originally, Lina, Nicole, and Sasha wanted to sit on it and try it.

In the end, they were all blocked by Naga warriors: "Ladies, I am very sorry, this sedan chair can only be made by the warrior Xiaoqiang. This is an order issued by our lord himself."

"Oh? Only Zombie Xiaoqiang can sit, but we can't?" The girls frowned and didn't express any objection.

After all, the customs and habits of the Naga people are different from those of other races.

So Xiaoqiang sat on the eight-carried sedan chair and watched the temple in Bailang City, while Nicole, Lina, and Sasha could only walk behind.

Along the way, it can be said that many people have different goals.

It seemed that everyone's attention was focused on the eight-carried sedan chair.

Wherever you go, you will attract the attention of countless people.

There are even people of many races, when they see Xiaoqiang sitting on Jiaozi, they will directly bow their knees and salute.

"This charming girl should not be simple, probably only a few people can sit." Xiaoqiang thought secretly in his heart.

As Jiaozi continued to move forward, all the NPC citizens living in Naga City ran out.

These NPC citizens, when they saw Xiaoqiang on Jiaozi, they knelt down one after another, each of them was very devout, and their appearance was thought-provoking.

"May I ask, who can this charming girl usually sit on?" Xiaoqiang asked.

The Naga warrior replied: "Usually the lord and his family sit there."

"Lord and family?" Xiaoqiang frowned slightly, feeling a little strange.

At this moment, a magnificent temple of the Naga tribe appeared in front of his eyes.

"Is it the temple of the Naga tribe? It really is the situation. The god they believe in should be the legendary sea god, the incarnation of the sea dragon." Xiaoqiang looked ahead.

When the team entered the Naga Temple, the Naga guards guarding the door knelt down immediately.

"See Prince Consort!"

"Good luck, Prince Consort!"

A group of Naga guards shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment.

Fuck?What rice are you talking about?Son-in-law?Is it auspicious for the son-in-law?
What the hell?

Xiaoqiang was stunned, feeling incredible, thinking that his ears were blocked by earwax.

At this moment, a beautiful Naga girl who thought she was wearing a crown twisted the snake demon and came to Xiaoqiang.

"Warrior, please come with me, this will be your home from now on." The Naga girl showed a charming smile.

"You are Lan Xin? I almost didn't recognize you after dressing up." Xiaoqiang recognized the other party in surprise, and then he asked: "What is the son-in-law you mentioned?"

"Warriors are not in a hurry, let's talk about it after I have met my mother." Lan Xin said with a smile.

Xiaoqiang was about to step forward when several Naga guards around stopped Nicole and other girls outside with a click.

"Hey, Lan Xin, what do you mean?" Xiaoqiang asked.

"My lord mother just wants to see you." Lan Xin replied.

"No, the three of them are my women, and they follow wherever they go, and they have no intention of separating." Xiaoqiang said loudly.

"Oh, if that's the case, then let them come in together." Lan Xin was very determined when she saw Xiaoqiang, so she could only let go.

So Xiaoqiang and his party followed Lan Xin into the Naga Temple.

Rumor has it that the Naga tribe worships Poseidon, the sea god, because Poseidon is the descendant of the water dragon god ShaLS.

So every city will have a temple of Poseidon, which is used to worship Poseidon and the water dragon god Sarasa.

The Sea God Temple in Bailang City is no exception. In this temple, there are many statues of Poseidon, and various deeds of Poseidon are depicted on the walls.

The whole temple is built with formal white coral, which looks beautiful and luxurious, full of the breath of top exotic architecture.

Xiaoqiang had only seen intermittent expansion packs before, and never imagined that the temple of the Naga clan is so magnificent and beautiful, like a fairyland on earth.

From time to time, big crabs can be seen on the ground carrying all kinds of food and fruit plates, as if these colorful crabs are servants here.

Several people walked a long route and finally arrived at a palace.

This palace is very luxurious, the ceiling is studded with all kinds of luminous pearls, it looks so dazzling that people can't bear to look directly at it.

In the innermost part of the palace, there is a statue of a real sea god holding a trident.

This Poseidon statue is actually made of a rare gemstone. From a distance, the whole statue emits a huge and extremely dazzling colorful halo.

And facing the statue stands a Naga woman with a big chest.

Needless to say, this woman is the ruler of Bailang City, the high priest of the Naga tribe, Lan Yue.

The Naga tribe is such a wonderful race. They are patriarchal, priests are also rulers, and they are still a matrilineal society.

The queen of the Naga clan is actually the pope.

"Join Your Excellency the High Priest." Xiao Qiang saluted slightly, looking at the High Priest.

[High Priest Blue Moon, Level 80, King]

Lan Yue's appearance is almost the same as Lan Xin's, but her breasts are bigger and her hands are longer. Counting the other's arms, there are four pairs of eight in total.

I heard that the eight-armed Naga is a great master of the Naga clan, and now Xiaoqiang can be regarded as seeing a master.

"Oh, you are the warrior Xiaoqiang, you saved Lan Xin?" Lan Yue asked.

"That's right, I saved Lan Xin." Xiaoqiang nodded slightly.

Lan Yue smiled and asked: "Very good, very good, it's great that Lan Xin can find her wishful husband. From now on, my daughter will entrust you, warrior."

"What rice? Please me? Please me what?" Xiaoqiang asked rather puzzled.

"Don't play dumb, when are you going to have a baby?" Xiaoqiang couldn't help asking.

"When will you have a baby?" Xiaoqiang's eyes were about to pop out.

Fuck!Miss, did you make a mistake?
(End of this chapter)

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