God Level Corpse King

Chapter 414 Magic Tree City

Chapter 414 Magic Tree City

As soon as Luo Xia finished speaking, there were waves of earthquake-like sounds all around.

"Fuck, is this swollen?" Xiaoqiang asked suspiciously upon seeing this.

The earthquake was so severe that people couldn't stand still and felt frightened, thinking that the end was coming.

At this moment, buildings appeared on the surrounding ground, and these buildings grew out of the ground like growing plants.

They drilled out of the soil very quickly, and the scene was quite shocking, as if they existed in legends, and they could catch everyone's attention.

Amidst the extremely shocking sound, high-rise buildings rose from the ground, dust was flying, like miracles created out of nothing!
Xiaoqiang felt that he was in a city built by the gods, and this city was a gift from the gods.

After a moment, everything stopped.

The surroundings returned to tranquility again.

After the smoke cleared, Xiaoqiang finally saw the whole picture of the city.

This is a vast city, with city walls, town council halls, and barracks. It seems to be arranged according to the original layout in Flying Fish City.

[Information prompt: You just built a city]

[Information reminder: You are the first player to build a city in the Caribbean Sea, and your great achievements will be recorded in the annals of history]

[Information prompt: You have gained 500 million experience points]

【Congratulations!You got 10 gold talent points and 2 gold talent books]

【Congratulations!Your level has been raised to level 60]

【You got 1 talent point】

【You gained 1 point of leadership】


【Congratulations!The level of your hired hero Nicole has been raised to level 60]

[Nicole gained 1 talent point]

[Nicole gained 1 leadership point]

【Congratulations!The level of your hired hero Lina has been raised to level 60]

[Lina gained 1 talent point]

[Lina gained 1 leadership point]

【Congratulations!The level of your hired hero Salsa has been raised to level 60]

[Sasha gained 1 talent point]

[Sasha gained 1 leadership point]

[Information reminder: Your great achievements are enough to shock the whole world, do you want to inform players all over the world of this news]

"Report, of course you have to report, this is forcing the young master to pretend." Xiaoqiang did not hesitate to report the news when he saw this.

Pretending to be coercive in front of people all over the world is a great way to save face, I must have a good time.

[Information prompt: Your new city has not yet been named, do you want to name it immediately]

"The name Xiaoye can be called Magic Tree City." Xiaoqiang smiled slightly and decided on a name for the city.

He doesn't pay too much attention to naming names, just say whatever you want.

Then he looked at the city information again, feeling really refreshed.

His magic tree city level is already level 3, the barracks are fully equipped, and there is an extremely powerful ancient undead tree in the city.

"Captain, you can check the information of the barracks. Now you can build level 3 super arms in the barracks. As long as you have the blueprints, you can directly produce them." Rorschach said.

"Oh, as long as there are blueprints?" Xiaoqiang looked at Einstein.

Einstein immediately pulled out two design drawings from his underpants: "At present, I only know two kinds of super arms manufacturing drawings, all dedicated to the master."

Xiaoqiang took the drawing and used it immediately.

In a blink of an eye, two lines of reminders appeared in front of him, indicating that the construction of the super barracks was completed.

In order to build a super barracks, he also laughed a full thirty soul crystals.

"Let me see a level 2 super soldier." Xiaoqiang immediately spent two souls to hire a level [-] super soldier.

As a result, a burly zombie walked out.

Xiaoqiang immediately looked at this level 2 super zombie.

[Super Zombie, Undead Level 2 Super Unit]

Power: 26
Sensitivity: 16
Constitution: 28
Wisdom: 12
Perception: 12
Charisma: 5
Undead creature: Passive skill, this creature is an undead, so it cannot have morale and is not affected by morale. Its resistance to water magic is increased by 20%, and it is also immune to diseases, poisons, blinding and mind magic.

Inanimate body: Passive skill, except for the head, the zombie's body has no fatal weakness, and their body is immune to physical blows and fatal blows.

Enraged: When the blood volume drops to half, the unit will be enraged, and its attack power +20%.

"The combat power is actually not bad in all aspects, almost comparable to some fourth-level arms, but unfortunately it is a little bit inferior in special abilities." Xiaoqiang shook his head.

Einstein said strangely: "This is already the limit of the level 2 arms, and there is no possibility to strengthen the attributes."

"I'm not talking about attributes, but about skills. In terms of skills, these super zombies are too weak, not as good as my master's magic blood zombies." Xiao Qiang said.

That's right, a zombie that can't be disgusting is not a good zombie. His zombie must have disgusting skills such as spitting, shitting and farting, which is the true meaning of zombies.

Not seeking the strongest combat effectiveness, but only seeking the strongest ability of disgusting people.

He then pulled out a devil blood zombie from his army.

"Can the innate skills of this devil blood zombie be copied to the super zombie?" Xiao Qiang looked at Rorschach who had turned into a tree of death.

"Yes, all the barracks are my body, but I need to eat these devil blood zombies, learn these skills and attributes, and in the future, these employment funds will be doubled." Rorschach said.

"No problem, let's transform it immediately." Xiaoqiang nodded.

Luo Xia just opened her mouth slightly, took a deep breath suddenly, and the surrounding zombie troops easily flew into her mouth.

After chewing and digesting for a while, Rorschach began to excrete, vomiting out all the zombies.

Xiaoqiang took a closer look and found that these super zombies have indeed learned the abilities of the magic blood zombies, spitting, shitting, and farting, which can be said to be full of five poisons, so he nodded in satisfaction.

"Captain, now that you have built your own city and your troops are all super, when will we start exploring the Dragon Tomb?" Lina suddenly stepped forward and rubbed Xiaoqiang's arm coquettishly.

"I almost forgot about this. Once our soldiers settle down, we will immediately sweep up the dragon's tomb." Xiaoqiang said with his arms around the opponent's waist.

Einstein was surprised: "Could it be that the master is going to the Dragon Tomb?"

"However, I was going to the Dragon Tomb, what's wrong, do you know the way?" Xiaoqiang asked.

"No, no, the Dragon Tomb is too dangerous. I went there once and almost lost my life. The monsters there are all dead dragons, and they are very difficult to deal with." Einstein was still terrified.

"Don't worry, you have to believe in the strength of the young master. When the magic tree city is fully operational, we will go to explore the dragon's tomb." Xiaoqiang punched in the air.

"I understand. Of course I believe in the master's strength. As long as I kill those dead dragons, I can get a lot of dragon corpses. Maybe I can also create bone dragons and corpse dragons, as well as new types of dragons." Einstein The eyes are shining, which is called an excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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