God Level Corpse King

Chapter 415 The Hardworking Jin Sicong

Chapter 415 The Hardworking Jin Sicong
With the opening of the great route, more and more players have entered the great route to explore.

Of course, the fact that a large fleet will be attacked by large-scale pirates has been thoroughly spread, and everyone knows about it.

Now the big guys basically only open a battleship to enter the great route to explore, and the chance of encountering pirate attacks is greatly reduced, so many non-professional players are also flourishing in the great route.

However, the great route is still a dangerous place, and any player in any fleet will encounter accidents in the great route.

Therefore, all kinds of guides on the great route are very popular and valuable, especially the nautical charts that lead directly to the Caribbean Sea are worth a thousand dollars.

Of course, this is only for ordinary players or small guilds.

Basically, world-class guilds are about to enter the Caribbean Sea, and even several powerful guilds have already entered the Caribbean Sea.

Rumble!The maelstrom twirled and tumbling, with turbulent waves surging.

The five ships of Seventh Heaven finally sailed into the whirlpool of the Caribbean Sea after paying the toll.

As the scenes continued to change, the players had already appeared in an unfamiliar sea when they opened their eyes.

The surrounding blue sea and blue sky are very quiet, the sea breeze blows slowly, and fish jump out of the sea from time to time, and there are a few uninhabited islands and reefs in the distance, which looks pleasant and picturesque.

[Information prompt: You have entered the new map Caribbean Sea]

[Information reminder: Entering the new map rewards 10 experience]

"Great, we're finally in the Caribbean!"

"Long live the Caribbean, oh yeah!"

The players of Seventh Heaven cheered in Class A.

At this moment, many people have shed hot tears, and everyone is extremely excited.

After going through a whole half a month of ups and downs, they finally entered the legendary Caribbean Sea.

During this period, a total of fifty warships sank in the water, and many domestic elite players died. They finally survived.

Under the ravages of various dangers, everyone's spirits are about to collapse. There are pirates and sea monsters everywhere in the great route, and all kinds of weird vortexes exist.

Numerous dangers tormented everyone, so that none of them had a good rest. Now they finally felt the pain of the Red Army's [-]-mile long march.

Now that they finally reached the Caribbean Sea, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The Caribbean Sea is regarded as the legendary pure land. It is not as complicated as the great route. Most of the routes are considered safe, especially the shallow Caribbean sea, which can be regarded as a piece of tranquility.

"It's finally over." Jin Sicong heaved a sigh of relief, showing a wry smile.

It's been hard for him these days, as the largest guild in the national service, why should he be the first to enter the Caribbean Sea, otherwise he will lose all face.

As a result, he suffered an extremely heavy blow, and his Seventh Heaven coalition army was almost wiped out.

Even though he arrived at the Caribbean Sea before the Scarlet Mythical guy, the loss was extremely heavy, and this kind of loss was almost unbearable even for himself.

"Brother, everything will be fine in the future. Although we are not the first players to arrive in the Caribbean Sea, we are also among the first batch. We will definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in the Caribbean and develop rapidly." Jin Jiajia persuaded.

She knew that Seventh Heaven's loss this time was too heavy, and it had exceeded the estimate by several times. This was really a heavy blow to the brother who had worked so hard to run the guild.

At this moment, he just wanted his brother to cheer up as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Isn't it just a waste of money? I'm short of everything, but I don't need money. Now that I've overwhelmed the Scarlet Myth, let the grandson take a good time on the great route." Jin Sicong said in relief. .

However, not far from the Seventh Heaven Fleet, there is another fleet slowly coming.

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly: "Alarm, alarm, enemy attack appears, enemy attack appears!"

"Enemy attack? What enemy attack?" Jin Sicong's body shook, and his head immediately

He never expected that he would run into the enemy again not long after he entered the Caribbean Sea.

Someone has already learned the master-level reconnaissance technique, and shouted again: "It's not good, it's the US-Japan-British Allied Forces."

"The US-Japan-British Allied Forces? Damn it, this is absolutely impossible." Jin Sicong couldn't believe it.

The United States, Japan, and Britain are currently the most powerful coalition forces in the world. It is rumored that they entered the Caribbean Sea one step earlier than him. Why did they meet here?
You must know that currently he only has the combat effectiveness of five warships. If he encounters the US-Japan-British coalition forces, the opponents will most likely be able to eat him off.

"Turn the bow of the ship immediately and leave this sea area." Jin Sicong growled.

"Boss Jin, our speed is not as fast as ours. They came with the wind." Someone replied.

"Damn it, it's over." Jin Sicong clenched his fists.

This time the coercion is more ominous than good. You must know that the US, Japanese and British allied forces have always looked down upon the Chinese forces. When they see themselves in such a mess, they will probably attack.

"Get ready to fight!" Jin Sicong made a prompt decision.

So the only five warships formed a formation, aiming all the weapons on board at the US-Japanese-British coalition forces.

A few minutes later, the two sides faced each other above the sea.

The US-Japan-British coalition army is far less powerful than imagined. There are only ten warships, and each warship is riddled with holes, and some are still emitting black smoke, as if they have just suffered a big battle. .

"Hey, there are only ten ships in the US-Japan-British coalition forces, and the damage is so serious, it seems that we have something to fight." Jin Sicong reacted, secretly happy in his heart.

The surrounding people also nodded one after another, and the morale that was originally sluggish recovered a lot in an instant.

The U.S., Japanese, and British coalition forces on the opposite side also stood still, only to hear someone shouting: "The Chinese ahead, we are all pioneers, are you interested in exploring the Caribbean Sea together?"

"Explore the Caribbean? Explore with you rich wolves?" Jin Sicong sneered: "You are dreaming."

The other party's proposal is really crazy. As a group of people, how could he explore with these great powers who only know how to distribute benefits? Obviously, the other party wants to use their fleet as a target. Isn't that courting death?
"Why don't you agree? If you don't agree, then let's have a good battle. The Caribbean Sea is either a friend or an enemy." The US-Japan-British coalition forces threatened.

The two sides were suddenly at war with each other.

However, at this moment, a piece of information came out.

[World Channel: Dear players, player Xiaoqiang successfully established the first city in the Caribbean Sea, his great achievements will be recorded in the annals of history forever, let us remember this great moment]

"What? Zombie Xiaoqiang has built a city?" Jin Sicong and others opened their mouths.

The U.S., Japanese, and British coalition forces on the opposite side also completely stopped their movements, and everyone was stunned.

Fuck!As soon as they entered the Caribbean Sea, Zombie Xiaoqiang had already established a city, which was too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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