God Level Corpse King

Chapter 418 Can't Beat This Guy

Chapter 418 Can't Beat This Guy
Xiaoqiang and others immediately made a defensive posture.

This dracolich is really, really too powerful, and all of them together may not be the old man's opponent.

Whether to fight or flee next depends on the old man's plan.

But this old man's name is really funny, why not call him Sha Matt, could it be because of his hairstyle?

Seeing that Xiaoqiang and others were all nervous, Shamat suddenly laughed: "Don't be nervous, everyone. If you can find the treasure map and come here again, you can be regarded as the strongest among the strong, as long as you don't count as dragons. I won't do anything to you in the tomb."

"So that's how it is, I scared the young master." Xiaoqiang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

If there is a real fight, then he is really not sure that he can defeat the opponent.

A gleam flashed in the eyes of the dracolich Shamate: "But since you are here, I have to give you a task."

Xiaoqiang looked at the other party and always felt that this guy had bad intentions, so he refused: "Sorry, I just went the wrong way, let's talk about the task later, the big guy is going to go back."

After speaking, Xiaoqiang turned around and wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, a flicker of Sha Matt's body blocked the way of Xiaoqiang and others.

"What do you want to do?" Xiaoqiang asked alertly.

"You guys must accept this task, otherwise you don't even think about leaving." Sha Matt showed his sharp teeth, that's arrogance.

"Dragon liches are really not good things." Xiaoqiang cursed secretly.

Normally, dragons would not want to become undead creatures. Those who can become dracolich are all evil dragons. Dealing with an evil dragon is really a headache.

Maybe he was upset and just ate you in one bite.

Xiaoqiang took a deep breath and said, "You can tell me what task, as long as I can complete it and get paid properly, I can take it."

"Remuneration? I will give you a proper reward. The task is to find something in the dragon's tomb, as long as you find that thing." Shamat said.

"What?" Xiaoqiang asked.

Kill Matt replied: "A dragon heart, as long as you find that dragon heart, you can get my reward."

[Information prompt: Do you accept the mission to kill Matt]

"Ahem, let me think about it, and discuss it with my companions by the way." Xiao Qiang said.

"Speed ​​up!" The dracolich didn't show any objection, but still had an extremely evil smile on his face.

Xiaoqiang pulled the girls and Einstein aside.

"The task given by this dracolich should not be a good task, and dracolich are all evil dragons, and few of them are trustworthy. I suspect that this dracolich wants to trick us. Is there any way you can avoid this? Task." Xiaoqiang asked in a low voice.

"It's impossible for us to reject this dracolich, unless we join forces to defeat him." Nicole sighed.

"It's impossible to defeat the dracolich. A level 100 dracolich is considered a leader among the dragon clan. Even a real pure-blooded dragon may not be able to defeat the opponent." Sasha frowned.

Einstein nodded: "The dracolich can cause cold damage, use breath, or cause fear like the dracolich. Its health, speed and defense level are temporarily calculated by the occupied body."

"It can talk, cast spells, have the original breath, and additionally gain all the abilities of a dracolich. A typical dracolich always keeps a few spare corpses of the right size near where it keeps its phylactery, so that if Destroyed in its current form, it can transform into a new body in a matter of days."

"The phylactery? By the way, is there a way to find his phylactery?" Xiaoqiang asked.

Einstein said: "It is impossible for us to find the phylactery, because the phylactery is the treasure of the dracolich.

"When a dracolich dies during transformation or at any time its physical form is destroyed, its spirit can return directly to its phylactery regardless of distance, and a faint light will appear in the phylactery to indicate the soul's presence.

Upon returning to the phylactery, the spirit cannot do anything other than occupy the appropriate corpse; it cannot be touched or attacked by magic.Its soul can reside permanently in the phylactery. "

A spirit within a phylactery can sense the corpse of a Medium or larger reptilian or dragon within 100 meters and possess it.This soul cannot occupy a living body.Attempts to occupy the soul's original body are automatically successful.

But to occupy a suitable corpse that does not belong to it, a dracolich must pass through any draconic creature that is not a real dragon, such as a pterosaur, or any other large reptilian creature.

When a corpse receives a dracolich's soul, it directly becomes a dracolich if the living corpse is that soul's past corpse.Otherwise, it becomes a primal dracolich. "

After hearing so much from Einstein, Xiaoqiang's mood suddenly became very bad, which means that even if the dracolich is defeated, it will be resurrected again.

The other party is simply the existence of immortality in the legend, that is called a bombardment!
Shasha frowned: "Indeed, it is not an easy task to destroy the dracolich. First of all, its physical form must be destroyed, which alone is extremely difficult to do. Then it must find its phylactery, and Destroy the phylactery before the dracolich's spirit can successfully take possession of a new body and begin to transform it.

Finding the dracolich's phylactery and removing it from any type of reptilian corpse before confronting the dracolich may make a later confrontation more likely.

And there is a symbiotic relationship between the dracolich and the dracolich mage who created it.Mages respect and aid their dracolich, offering treasures on a regular basis.And the mages who protect it fight off enemies and other threats, while assisting their various plans in return.

Like dragons, dracolich are solitary, and killing a dracolich is likely to draw the attention of the Cult of the Dragon.

As far as I know, some powerful dracolich can even invite powerful mages to fight. In this battle, it is almost impossible for me to win. "

Hearing that everyone had the same opinion, Xiaoqiang finally nodded.

He came before the dracolich and took up the task.

"Very good, warrior, I will send you into the Dragon Tomb." Shamat smiled: "But you remember, the Dragon Tomb is full of endless dangers, don't try to disobey my will, If you come out alive, I will definitely reward you, and I will convey the road map to you next."

After the dracolich finished speaking, he passed the road map to Xiaoqiang.

Then all of them were sent to the dark cave.

The cave is filled with unparalleled pitch black, making people feel that there is infinite danger and terror hidden in it.

As soon as the screen turned, a strange picture appeared in front of Xiaoqiang and others.

The tomb of the dragon is in sight!
(End of this chapter)

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