God Level Corpse King

Chapter 419 Exploring the Dragon Tomb

Chapter 419 Exploring the Dragon Tomb
The dragon tomb is not the lifeless tomb as imagined.

Surrounded by some shining lights, Xiao Qiang found a lot of treasures when he looked closely.

"Damn it, how come there are so many gold and silver mountains, this is the rhythm of the young master." Xiaoqiang swallowed a mouthful of embalming liquid, which was so excited.

"Captain, that's a trap." Lina reminded.

"Trap? The Eye of Death." Xiaoqiang hurriedly used the Eye of Death to observe carefully.

Sure enough, he saw some messy trap vortices.

Xiaoqiang suddenly felt upset, and the dracolich Shamat designated a route for him, but he didn't want to follow this route.

There must be a lot of treasures and treasures in the dragon tomb, he doesn't want to just be so honest, he should dig out more treasures in it no matter what.

"There are many traps in the Dragon Tomb. Obviously, the Dragon Clan doesn't want us to touch the treasures they left behind, but it's too wasteful to keep these treasures here. Sir Captain can see through the traps and magic effects, so let's dig out the treasures properly?" Li Nami's eyes sparkled.

Nicole also said: "That's right, we should take a look at the treasures here, but I'm afraid I can't accompany you, Captain..."

After finishing speaking, Nicole closed her beautiful eyes and fell weakly to the ground.

Xiaoqiang strode forward and hugged the fainted eldest wife.

"What's going on here? Could it be that the curse on Nicole would have happened so quickly without the scarlet rose?" Xiaoqiang said in surprise.

Nicole obviously had a curse, and only when the curse broke out could it be possible to defeat the vampire princess.

The time interval between this curse is very long, it is unbelievably fast, and it is obviously related to the scarlet rose being taken away.

Sasha stepped forward to detect Nicole with magic, and couldn't help but sigh: "The curse on Nicole's body is more violent than before. She may sleep for a long time, but her life is not in danger for the time being."

"What? It's great if there's no danger to your life for the time being." Xiaoqiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Calculated according to the time in the game, more than half of a year has passed, and Nicole still has three months.

And he has not yet become the pirate king, and the ranking of pirates is abnormally low. If this continues, Nicole will be in danger.

He took a few deep breaths, suppressed his chaotic thoughts, adjusted his state, let Sasha, who had already transformed into a spider form, carry Nicole on his back, and he opened the way ahead.

The most important thing now is to explore the dragon tomb in front of him. He must concentrate on it, otherwise his life will be lost.

Everyone walked forward for about a few hundred meters, and suddenly a continuous cave appeared in front of them.

There can be hundreds of these caves, large or small, and it is unknown what is hidden in them.

After stepping up to take a closer look at the crowd, he discovered that the cave was full of dragon corpses and bones.

Some dragons can be as big as mountains, and can be described as towering into the clouds. Some dragons are as small as a pack horse, some are as thin as a long snake, and some are as fat as a coiled snake.

There are dragon corpses in most of the caves. Due to the incomparable strength of the dragon clan, many people have not turned into bones, and it looks like they have fallen into an eternal sleep.

Most dragons, however, have strong bodies, long thick necks, horned or frilled heads, sharp teeth, and a long tail.

They walk on four powerful legs, fly with a pair of giant bat-like wings, and their bodies are covered with scales to protect their bodies.

The eyes have four eyelids, of which the inner three are transparent to protect the eyes from injury, and the ears can be opened and closed, but not all dragons have outer ears.The teeth are sharp and sharp, usually curved inwards, presumably to tear prey.

Legend has it that the eyesight of a dragon is twice that of a human, and it can see things in the dark. Its hearing and intelligence are similar to those of humans, but its senses are very good. It can feel the movement of invisible objects, and the dragon can fly and walk away. They can swim, and some can breathe in water.

It is said that dragons grow stronger with age, and older dragons are usually invincible, whereas younger dragons are vulnerable.

There are also some special dragons with hair or smooth skin, and eyes that are the same as mammals, but they are extremely rare.

Xiaoqiang looked at these dragons carefully, and felt the roaring dragon power. The dead dragons in front of him rarely belonged to the dragons in Chinese mythology, and most of them were western dragons.

The western dragon was a symbol of power and holiness before the Middle Ages, but in Christianity, the dragon was slandered by Christians as a synonym for evil.

So these dragons have a puma-like body, two huge bat wings or feathers, four legs, and a somewhat horse-like head.

Colors are green, red, or gold, etc., and many dragons have long, winding tails with spines and possibly barbs at the end.Each leg ends in huge claws, similar to those of carnivorous birds.There are also quite a few dragons with rows of fangs and often dorsal spines.

And beside these giant dragons, there is a pair of seemingly precious treasures, which look golden and silver, full of temptation.

You must know that these things are not illusions or real treasures, and it seems that the grade is not low.

These dragons mostly lived in caves and loved treasures. Usually, a large amount of treasures are stored in the caves as decorations, beds or food. After death, they will also bring a small amount of treasures to die in the dragon tomb.

It's just that Xiaoqiang didn't expect that the treasures around these dragons would be so welcoming. It seems that each dragon has piles of treasures besides at least one or two pieces of equipment, and they are all legendary equipment.

According to the information given by the dracolich Shamate, Xiaoqiang successfully found a rather winding route, which can lead directly to the destination without triggering any traps.

Is it so smooth to go all the way, but to try luck?

Einstein suggested: "Master, these dragon corpses should be taken away. There must be dragon magic crystals in their bodies. These corpses are also very useful materials for refining corpses. Please master to carry out grave robbery."

Lina, who has always been a fan of money, immediately urged: "That's right, Captain, if you miss this village, you won't have this temple. This amount of wealth is enough for us to eat for many years."

"Well, since this is the case, I must give it a try." Xiaoqiang took a deep breath and finally made up his mind.

Now that he came in this time, he would never miss this opportunity. Knowing that touching these dragon bones would encounter various traps, he still wanted to give it a try.

The so-called people die for money, and birds die for food. The young master risked his life to come to a ghost to blow the lamp and steal the dragon's tomb!
(End of this chapter)

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