God Level Corpse King

Chapter 444 Defeating the Pirate King

Chapter 444 Defeating the Pirate King

In the next time, Xiaoqiang is going to brush up the pirates in the Caribbean.

He is now a powerful existence with dragon boats, not to mention those pirate lords, even the awesome pirate king should be able to deal with it.

Now is the best opportunity for him to become the Pirate King. It is expected that it will not be a problem to use the dragon army to kill a few Pirate Kings. By then, he will definitely turn from a pirate lord to a pirate king.

However, the recent pirates seem to have heard the news and hid one by one, and they suddenly became quiet in the Caribbean Sea.

Originally, those arrogant pirate kings also stood still, as if they were waiting for some opportunity.

This is the rhythm before the storm.

"It's really troublesome. They are hiding one by one. It seems that I have to search hard." Xiaoqiang was looking for it, and suddenly a pirate fleet appeared on the sea.

This pirate fleet is very conspicuous, because their flag turned out to be the clown skull flag, which looks funny and ridiculous, like a circus.

"Oh, you are really an old acquaintance, this is really a good touch." Xiaoqiang roared, and he was very happy to see this place.

Since he entered the great sea route, he was intercepted by the Clown King's fleet, and now he just used his own way to punish him.

Without further ado, he immediately called his dragon army to bombard the Clown King's fleet.

Facing the overwhelming dragon fleet, the Clown King was obviously caught off guard.

The dragon's breath is so terrifying, the dragons are so difficult to deal with, and the clown king's shells can't even hit these dragons flying in mid-air, so it's urgent.

Xiaoqiang just watched the clown king howling coldly, always feeling a bit like killing the other party.

Didn't your subordinates come to provoke you in a coquettish manner?I'm here to provoke you now, and it's a back and forth.

Seeing that his fleet was beaten badly and was about to be destroyed soon, the Clown King was in a hurry. He picked up the conch shell and shouted: "Fleet in front, dare to fight with me to determine the outcome?"

"Duel to decide the outcome?" Xiaoqiang raised his brows, he was thinking of launching a duel to the opponent, but he didn't expect the opponent to rely on the duel to come back, which was exactly what he meant.

"A duel is a duel, come here, master, the art of flying farts!" Xiaoqiang's legs were slightly bent, his buttocks pouted, and he suddenly spewed out a green fart.

He himself rose into the sky like a jet fighter, with a green exhaust trailing behind his buttocks, which is called a bombing sky.

The Clown King looked at Xiaoqiang who was flying over with his fart like he was looking at God, and he was already astonished.

In other words, it is already weird enough for him to use human cannons to drop soldiers. I didn't expect that there was another one here who flew into the air. It is simply unheard of. Today is an eye-opener.

Xiaoqiang easily flew to the deck of the Clown King with a fart.

"You are the clown king, you are really a clown." Xiaoqiang looked at the clown king in front of him.

I saw that the clown king was indeed a clown, wearing a clown costume all over his body, with a clown costume painted on his face, and a crown that looked very nice on his head.

"Are you the zombie Xiaoqiang who has been in the limelight recently?" The Clown King also looked at Xiaoqiang intently.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's start the duel." Xiaoqiang remained silent.

"Okay, that's to let you taste the strength of my clown king." The clown king yelled violently, and drew out the rapier from his waist.

[Information prompt: The Clown King wants to raise your request for a duel, do you accept it?]

Xiaoqiang accepted the opponent's duel request without any hesitation.

Immediately, the duel scene began to change, the surroundings became like flames, and a large group of clowns surrounded Xiaoqiang and the Clown King to watch the battle.

The two were unambiguously fighting together immediately, and the Clown King was in adversity, so his desire to attack was extremely strong.

"The swordsmanship is not bad, but it's a pity, you are still a little bit worse." Xiaoqiang smiled slightly, and suddenly punched the opponent back.

Just look at his fist, which has turned into thousands of phantoms, that is called ferocity.

The Clown King was still in the attack state, but was suppressed in an instant, and then Xiang was about to come out after being beaten by Xiaoqiang's fist.

The clowns around were still cheering, but they were all scared and fell silent.

Because their pirate king, the clown boss, was beaten into a mess within 2 minutes.

[Information reminder: You killed the captain of the enemy ship in the duel, and obtained the cargo, soldiers and heroes of the enemy ship]

【Congratulations!You won this battle, gained 800 million experience points, doubled the duel victory experience points, 1600 million]

【Congratulations!You have captured the pirate level 6 rare warship Clown King]

【Congratulations!You have captured the Pirate Tier 5 Battleship Jolly Jester}
【Congratulations!You have captured a pirate Tier 5 warship...]

【Congratulations!You captured 1500 units of wine]

【Congratulations!You have captured 500 units of shells]

【Congratulations!You captured 120 cannons]

【Congratulations!You captured 1568 clown pirates]

【Congratulations!You captured 3 hero pirates]

[Information reminder: You just defeated a pirate king by yourself.

[Information reminder: You are the first player in the world to defeat the Pirate King, and your great achievements will be recorded in history]

[Information prompt: You have gained 1000 million experience points]

【Congratulations!You got 10 gold talent points and 2 gold talent books]

【Congratulations!Your level has been raised to level 75]

【You got 1 talent point】

【You gained 1 point of leadership】


【Congratulations!The level of your hired hero Salsa has been raised to level 60]

[Sasha gained 1 talent point]

[Sasha gained 1 leadership point]

【Congratulations!Your hired hero bubble level has been raised to level 75]

[Sasha gained 1 talent point]

[Sasha gained 1 leadership point]

[Information reminder: Your great achievements in defeating the Pirate King are enough to shock the whole world, do you want to inform players all over the world of this news]

"Report, of course you have to report, this is forcing the young master to pretend." Xiaoqiang did not hesitate to report the news when he saw this.

Pretending to be coercive in front of people all over the world is a great way to save face, I must have a good time.

Just when Xiaoqiang was reporting his heroic achievements to Complete World, a notification sounded in his friend column.

Didi, Didi, this is the call icon on the friend list in the lower right corner, showing a girl that Xiaoqiang pays special attention to.

"Huh? It's Lin Xueer's call." Xiaoqiang frowned and immediately connected the call.

"Hey, brother Xiaoqiang, good news, I found the villa you want, and the condition is very good, but the price is a bit expensive, but I believe you can afford it, this time I brought you to find an acquaintance Come and see the house quickly, let's meet at the Golden Rose Cafe we ​​bought across from our community."

"Okay, I'll come right after you, touch it." Xiaoqiang hung up the phone and immediately began to dress up.

What?You may ask why do you dress up?
Nonsense, the young master is going to see the house with the goddess, no matter what, he must present the most handsome temperament to the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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