God Level Corpse King

Chapter 445 Meeting at the Cafe

Chapter 445 Meeting at the Cafe

Golden Rose Cafe is located in the commercial street of Qingcheng Yayuan. It is a cafe with a good style and environment. The consumers are mainly white-collar workers and gold-collar workers, as well as some successful people.

The decoration inside the Golden Rose is quite noble and elegant. It is rumored that everything from the counter to the tables and chairs, to the drinks and the large ceiling above the head are all high-end products imported from Western Europe and France, so it looks particularly high-end and elegant.

"Miss, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I really want to get to know you. Can you leave a WeChat or mobile phone number? Or can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

At this moment, a handsome young man in a suit and leather shoes suddenly sat next to a tall, long-haired beauty, deliberately revealing the gold Rolex watch on his left wrist, and seduced her with a charming smile. The fisherman is waiting for the big fish in front of him to take the bait automatically.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm not free right now." The long-haired beauty was naturally Lin Xueer, and she rejected her very politely and coldly.

"Beauty, don't get me wrong. In fact, I came to you for work. Our company recently wanted to find some models with better conditions to participate in the promotion of the company's products. As the vice president of Rolex China's general agency, I think it is necessary We need to find a few beauties with first-class temperament and image to endorse our famous watches, and you are just right." As he spoke, the handsome young man shook the large gold Rolex watch on his wrist a few times, showing off clearly.

"Oh, I know, but I'm not interested." After looking at this handsome guy, Lin Xueer refused again.

The handsome young man in front of him seemed to have an indescribable powdery look, and the aura exuding between his brows seemed very feminine.

As a girl who has stumbled in the entertainment industry, Lin Xueer naturally knows how this kind of fat and powder is formed. It seems that only those rich second-generation and cheesy faces who spend all day in the crowd of women have this kind of temperament , knowing what type of person the other party is, so her refusal was very decisive.

"Beauty, please think about it. Being a model of our company is very promising. You can easily earn thousands of dollars a day. You may still have a chance to be famous, and become a celebrity." The handsome young man is not willing to give up easily. this big fish.

He is very confident in his "fishing operation", because he is a "fishing" veteran, and many model-level beauties obediently spread their legs for him to play with under his rhetoric. Although the beauty in front of him is very cold, But it's not like there's no chance for him.

"Sorry, I'm waiting for my boyfriend, please be more self-respecting." Lin Xueer's expression became colder, and her tone became more serious.

"Hey, beauty, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't miss it... Who patted me on the shoulder?" The handsome young man wanted to stalk him, but found someone patted him on the shoulder from behind.

"Can you let me have a moment? She is my girlfriend." The person who appeared in front of him was a smiling young man. This young man was really ordinary in appearance, and his clothes were even more ordinary. place.

"Are you this beauty's boyfriend? Ha, you can rely on you? Brother, you must have made a mistake." The handsome young man looked at the other party with playful eyes.

"Brother Xiaoqiang, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time." Lin Xueer turned around at this time and greeted with a smile.

"I'm sorry, my dear, I had something to do just now, so I delayed the time." As he said, Xiaoqiang deliberately put his arms around Lin Xueer's waist.

Lin Xueer naturally knew what Xiaoqiang was going to do, so she didn't struggle to resist, but cooperated with her body to meet him.

"I'm going, they are really boyfriend and girlfriend, how is this possible?" The handsome young man seemed to be taken aback, his mouth could not close.

"Honey, let's go see the villa together, and buy it if it suits you." Looking at the stunned handsome young man, Xiaoqiang raised Lin Xueer's waist in front of everyone, and led him to get up and leave the coffee shop.

Lin Xueer is slender and tall, with a melon-seeded face and a slanted nose and big eyes. She is an absolute model-level beauty. Today she put on a white tight dress and black stockings to show off her beauty and figure, so she just got up. Attracted the attention of a large number of men.

After all, men have a purely natural reaction to beauties with pretty waists and long legs. As long as this kind of prey appears, basically all men will unconsciously widen their eyes.

"I never expected that a beauty with such good conditions would choose such a man with no merits. It's really the rhythm of a flower planted on cow dung." Staring at Lin Xueer's straight long legs wrapped in black stockings With a pretty waist, the handsome young man shook his head and sighed.

He is definitely not the only person who thinks the same as the handsome young man. Whenever he sees Lin Xueer's man, he will unconsciously look at Xiaoqiang, wanting to see what kind of man is worthy of this tall beauty .

But when they saw Xiaoqiang's appearance, they would all show incredible expressions, because the other party was so ordinary in every way, he didn't look like a rich man at all, so ordinary that they couldn't help but want to come forward to interview Xiaoqiang and ask him How did he fall in love with such a model-level beauty?

"Hey, we've already walked out of the coffee shop, how long are you going to hug me?" Not long after the two of them walked out of the coffee shop, Lin Xueer rolled her eyes and said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, the main reason is that it feels so good to hug you. It's a bit addictive to be watched by so many people with envy and hatred." Hearing Lin Xueer's protest, Xiaoqiang put the feeling of good The paws moved away from Lin Xueer's waist, reminiscing about the bumps and tactile sensations of Xiaoman's waist.

"Envy, envy, hate? I think people feel strange, right? You, why do you have to dress so casually? To be my boyfriend, at least you have to dress up well." Lin Xueer looked at Xiaoqiang who was dressed in casual clothes. sighed.

She has admitted in disguise that Xiaoqiang is her boyfriend, so she looks angry.

"Xue'er, this is already my best dress. If you don't like it, you can buy some for me. This is exactly your duty as a girlfriend." Xiaoqiang asked loudly.

"Go away, you are your girlfriend, don't take advantage of others." Lin Xueer raised her head, her face flushed.

"Ahem, Xue'er, did you think that just now some people were thinking that your Chinese cabbage was given to me by a pig? Or were they thinking that a flower was stuck in cow dung?" Xiaoqiang said, He couldn't help stretching out his hands towards the opponent's small waist like a green onion.

Xiao Nizi, you don't want to admit that you are my girlfriend?
Don't worry, the young master has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, there are some ways to make you admit it, hehehe, let's wait and see!
(End of this chapter)

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