Chapter 115 Let's Go

Why would he treat himself like this...

Mucheng looked at Di Yao, her eyes became confused.

Does he love himself? ?

Mucheng asked herself in her heart, but couldn't give herself an answer.

Just watching, Di Yao on the side also slowly opened his eyes.

He and Mucheng looked at each other quietly.

Mucheng didn't take her gaze away, and just watched with him.

The two of them looked at each other like this, and Zuo Yueran who was standing there suddenly felt something was wrong.

At this time, she is completely an oversized light bulb.

must go!

Thinking about it, Zuo Yueran tiptoed out.

In such a huge space, there were only the two of them.

Mucheng grabbed the hospital gown with one hand, and her eyes were full of confusion.

He saved himself, he should love himself, no matter what, he doesn't want to stagnate like this.

Confession, if you are laughed at by him, if you are despised by him, don't worry about it.

She loved him anyway.

"Di Yao...I..."

Mucheng opened her mouth, "I love you, I'm always embarrassed to say it."

After all, it was a confession, let alone in this hospital.

Di Yao lowered his eyebrows, making it hard to see the expression in his eyes.

Just when Mucheng's cheeks were flushed and he was hesitating, he spoke coldly.

"You go!"


Mucheng didn't seem to understand what he was saying.

She opened her eyes wide and looked up at him.

He wants her to go?

"you go!"

Di Yao looked up at her, his eyes still cold.

"But, you save me..."

Facing his eyes, Mucheng felt her heart was broken.

Didn't he save her? Even if he didn't love her, why did he let himself go? ?

Di Yao sneered, then gave her another light look.

"Just treat you as rudely as I did before. With such a life, we are both clean."

Di Yao leaned against the pillow and closed his eyes.


In such a second, if the heart just now has been shattered, then it has already become a powder at this moment.

It seemed unbelievable, it was obviously not like this before, but in the blink of an eye, it changed.

Should I be glad that when I didn't confess my love to him, he told me to leave.

If he had confessed his love to him, he was letting him go.

That's embarrassing, throw it home.

Mucheng couldn't help laughing at herself.

Although Di Yao closed his eyes, in his heart, he was thinking over and over again of what she said before.

He is cold-blooded, he is perverted, in her eyes, she should be cruel.

My mother said that as long as you use your heart, even a cold heart will be warmed up.

But, he thought, Mucheng's heart, he probably couldn't warm it up.

Keeping a heart that can't be warmed no matter what, why should they be so entangled.

No one will feel better, but leaving like this is better for her or for herself.

Mucheng staggered back a few steps, with a smile on her lips.

Because of Di Yao's toughness, the two stayed in the hospital for only one day before being discharged.

Walking into Mingshan Villa again, Mucheng felt so cold all over for no reason.

It turned out that I gradually regarded this place as my home, and it was such a feeling to be driven away.

She went upstairs and looked around, months.

I gradually became familiar with it and liked it.

However, she found that there was nothing to take away.

(End of this chapter)

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