Chapter 116
All the things here were bought by Di Yao for her, clothes, skin care products, and everything else was bought by him.

Even before, the few pajamas she brought from Mu's house were thrown away by the servants ordered by her grandfather.

In the end, she just left the gate of the villa with the bag containing the mobile phone wallet.

Di Yao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at her gradually moving away, his expression became very lonely.

Mucheng walked away from Mingshan Villa all the way, and only then did she dare to look back.

Her tears rolled down one by one.

There will be no cars on the roadside here.

He had just been discharged from the hospital, and even though he had only sucked the poisonous blood for Di Yao, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

She sat down on a stone by the side of the road, tears streaming down the back of her hands.

Mucheng actually felt very painful.

Suddenly, a familiar car stopped in front of her.

Mucheng blinked her tearful eyes and saw that the car window was rolled down, revealing the driver's familiar face.

"Young lady, get in the car!"

Mu Cheng remained motionless.

The driver scratched his head, "The young master said, you came here with a wedding car to pick you up, and you will also be seen off when you leave. Is there a beginning and an end!?"

Mucheng remained motionless, covering her face with her hands, crying even harder.

Di Yao, the big bastard.

Seeing her crying, the driver didn't know what to say.

Although I don't know what the master and mistress are for.

But the current state is really scary.

The young mistress is still crying like a child, it's really scary.

After a while, with the driver praying, Mucheng finally stopped crying. She got into the car with red and swollen eyes.

"Where is young mistress going!?"

The car drove for a while until the driver dared to ask.

Hearing the driver's question, Mucheng's eyes turned red again.

Yes, where are you going?

There seemed to be nowhere to go.

The Mu family, if they go back by themselves, they know that Di Yao doesn't want them, and I'm afraid they will be scolded to death!

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Mucheng's mouth.

I seem to be homeless too!
"Young Mistress!?"

The driver asked again, looking at Mucheng's red eyes again, he was startled.

The young grandma's eyes are red, is it the rhythm of crying again?

Stop crying!
Crying, he was about to cry.

The driver looked at Mucheng in the rearview mirror helplessly with a mournful face.

"Go to the nearest hotel."

Mucheng looked at the driver's troubled face, and couldn't help laughing. The sadness in her heart suddenly decreased a little.

Forget it, no, no.

I will surf the Internet at the hotel later, rent a room near the school, and go to Mu's house to pick up clothes tomorrow.

After all, you have to keep it from your family and all the school expenses, you have to pay for it yourself.

In half a month, I can get my graduation certificate, and I can find a job by myself.

Even if she was alone, she wouldn't be afraid. If she didn't trust her own hands, she wouldn't be able to support herself.

"All right!"

When the driver saw her crying and laughing, he felt bad all of a sudden, the young lady must be crying stupidly.

Soon after arriving at a hotel, Mucheng got a room. She was planning to find a house or something, but she immediately threw it aside.

Probably because my heart was tired, and I was tired from crying, so I fell asleep on the bed.

She slept until noon the next day. She washed up, ate the lunch delivered by the hotel, and searched for information on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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