Chapter 117

The houses near the school are very expensive.

Mucheng frowned, feeling like she couldn't afford to rent it.

The phone rang on one side, Mucheng looked at the phone, because of the vibration, it moved slightly on the table.

Because the screen was facing the table, she didn't know who made the call.

But at the first moment, what he thought of was Di Yao.

Feeling anxious, she picked up her mobile phone, and it was Zuo Yueran.

She answered the phone.

"Chengcheng, are you feeling better now?"

Zuo Yueran asked with concern.

"much better."

Mucheng spoke, wondering if she cried too much last night, or if she hadn't spoken for too long, her voice was a little hoarse.

"Why is your voice still like this? How about I come to Mingshan Villa to play with you!?"

Hearing her voice, Zuo Yueran asked worriedly.

"No, I'm at the hotel."

Mucheng spoke hastily.

"Hotel!?" Zuo Yueran was very strange, "What are you doing in the hotel?"

Could it be that the two of them, the husband and wife, felt that they didn't feel at home, so they wanted to go out and open a room.


Mucheng hesitated to speak.

"Okay, tell me which hotel you are, and I will go find you."

Zuo Yueran is impatient, seeing her like this, there is nothing she can do.

Mucheng said the name of the hotel, and Zuo Yueran hung up the phone.

Before Mucheng's plate of spaghetti was eaten, Zuo Yueran had already killed her.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

Zuo Yueran crossed Erlang's legs and looked at Mucheng.

"We... separated."

As if seeing a familiar person, Mucheng's tears fell down all at once.

"Hey——" Seeing Mucheng crying, Zuo Yueran was at a loss for what to do. She walked up to Mucheng's side and put her arms around her shoulders.

"What's going on?"

Mucheng looked at her and shook her head. She really didn't know what to say about this matter, not to mention that she and Di Yao had a contractual relationship from the beginning, so Di Yao must not want others to know.

So, she can't tell.

Seeing her like this, Zuo Yueran didn't continue to ask, after all, everyone has a secret.

"Are you looking for a house??"

Zuo Yueran looked at the picture on her computer screen and asked aloud.


Mucheng wiped away her tears and nodded.

"Go live with me."

Zuo Yueran saw her red and swollen eyes from crying, even if she just hummed, her voice was so hoarse.

How can she be reassuring by herself.

"Ah? Is this convenient?,"

Mucheng was a little embarrassed. After all, she and Li Fan had that kind of relationship just now. It was the time when honey was mixed with oil. She inserted it at this time. A very bright light bulb, is it really okay?

"Why is it inconvenient? Besides, I miss your cooking!"

Zuo Yueran looked at her and blinked.


Mu Orange nodded.

"Then let's go now."

Zuo Yueran pulled her up, always nestled in this place, feeling that her mood would get even worse.

"I'm going home to get my stuff first."

Clothes, computers, etc., have to be taken over.

"I go with you."

Zuo Yueran nodded.

Sitting in Zuo Yueran's car, he arrived at Mu's house very quickly.

The door opened, and Mu Qing was sitting on the sofa, listening to classical music and reading a magazine.

Seeing Mucheng come in at this moment, she raised her eyebrows.

"No one asked you to come back? Why were you driven back? Let me tell you, even if you were driven back, no one would take care of you. Hurry up and apologize to Young Master Di."

(End of this chapter)

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