Chapter 127 How Did You Know
It was obvious from Di Yao's actions just now that he loved her.

She suddenly understood that Zuo Yueran and the others wanted her to try on Su Ning's clothes.

So it is! !

"Di Yao, I like you!"

In his arms, Mucheng said this in a muffled voice.

Di Yao's arm holding her body was slightly stiff.

He let go of her and looked at her with deep eyes.

"What did you just say??"

Di Yao asked.

Mu Cheng powdered her face shyly, "I like you!"

Her voice, with a hint of cuteness, was soft.

Di Yao immediately picked her up, and just as they turned around, they saw An Yinian and Su Ning coming together.

He nodded slightly to them, and walked away with Mucheng in his arms.

"Hey... my things..."

"The assistants will come up and clean up later!"

The conversation between the two was cut off in the elevator.

An Yinian turned slightly and looked at the closed elevator.

"Ah Nian!"

Su Ning reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

An Yinian smiled slightly, and walked forward.

Su Ning frowned slightly, since she couldn't let go, why did she let go.

When Li Fan mentioned this plan yesterday, she refused at that time, but An Yinian agreed.

How can you just let go of the girl you have loved for so many years?

First love isn't it? ?

If you are yourself, you will never let go.

I remember that after Li Fan left, I asked him, is this really what he wanted? ?

He just said that after a few years, no one will be the same as before, and he will bless Mucheng.

After speaking, he walked away, looking at his lonely figure.

How could Su Ning not understand, it's fine if others don't understand, how could she not understand this guy after they have been together for so many years.

Usually he looks lifeless, neither angry nor smiling, neither surprised nor happy.

But when it comes to his first love, the whole person comes alive.

If she hadn't known that Mucheng liked Di Yao, she would never have helped him.

Yes, many years have passed, and no one is the same as before.

It's just that she can be sure that An Yinian is still the old An Yinian.

Su Ning sighed, and followed her in. As soon as she entered the room, she saw An Yinian standing in front of the balcony.

The wind was blowing hard, and the white curtains were rolled up. An Yinian's figure flickered behind the curtains.

"Zuo Yueran and the others..."

"It's okay, I won't hit them."

Di Yao said again in a deep voice.

Although Li Fan made fun of him, but now he wants to thank them instead.


Hearing what Di Yao said, Mucheng was silent for a while.

Di Yao drove the car, leaned over to Mucheng's lips, and pressed a kiss.

He held the steering wheel again and drove the car seriously.

His car kept going around and around, and finally turned into the downtown area.

"Aren't we going home?"

Mucheng was a little surprised.


Di Yao's car stopped at a high-end western restaurant.

He threw the key to the parking boy, and then dragged Mucheng into the shop.

Seeing the hands tightly held by him, Mucheng smiled suddenly.

He will pay attention to the fact that he has not eaten... But how does he know that he has not eaten.

Mucheng felt strange for a while, until she sat in the shop.

After ordering, Mucheng asked such a sentence.

Di Yao's eyes were as deep as the vast starry sky, looking at her affectionately.

(End of this chapter)

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