Chapter 128

When Mucheng thought she would say some touching words of love, Di Yao said, "If you are full, you will have a little belly, not today."

Mu Orange: "..."

I suddenly felt that I didn't want to eat.

"I won't eat it."

Mucheng pouted, her lips were pink and tender, like delicate and blooming roses.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

There was no ups and downs in Di Yao's voice, but there was deep worry in his eyes.

"You despise me for being fat!"

Mucheng pursed her lips and said, her dark pupils were moist.


Di Yao didn't say a word, but at this moment his mind was full of question marks.

When did he think she was fat.

If you don't speak, it is the default.

Mucheng even sighed, this is really...

At this time, the meal ordered by the two of them was delivered.

Di Yao carefully and thoughtfully cut the steak into small pieces for Mucheng, and placed it in front of her.

Mucheng rubbed her flat belly, then looked at the steak exuding an alluring aroma, and for a moment, she didn't know what to do.

"Eat it!"

Di Yao said something.

"You only have a small stomach after eating, which you don't usually have. Besides, you look good no matter what you look like."

After speaking, he lowered his head and ate.

When Mucheng completely digested his words, there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

This is him, is beauty in the eye of the beholder? ?

No matter what she looks like, she is beautiful.

Mucheng took the knife and fork, and began to eat in small bites.

Di Yao raised his head and looked at how she was eating.

There was a burst of ironing in my heart. In the past two days, she was not around, and I felt that the soul of the whole person had been separated from the body.

At this time, watching her eat, will feel very happy and happy.

He will keep her by his side all the time.

Always and always.

After Mucheng ate the whole plate, she found that Di Yao was still watching her eat.

"Why don't you eat it?"

Mucheng looked at the dinner plate in front of him, it looked tastier than hers.

"Don't eat."

Di Yao took a napkin and wiped his mouth.

"Then I ate it."

Mucheng brought the plate in front of him to her again.

He ate again with big mouthfuls.

"Didn't you just feel like you were fat and wanted to stop eating?"

Di Yao deeply felt that he didn't understand Mucheng's structure.

"Do you like it anyway, besides, I'm hungry!"

Mu Cheng didn't care, because there were a lot of things in her mouth, and her mouth was full.

Di Yao had nothing to say about the righteous words she said.

When Mucheng ate and went out with a round belly, she frowned.

"what happened to you?"

Di Yao touched her head, thinking she was not feeling well.

"No." Mucheng shook her head in embarrassment, finally lowered her head, and said, "I just ate too much."

Di Yao glanced at her round belly, and finally fell silent.

All the way back to Mingshan Villa, Mucheng was still in a very supportive state.

She rubbed her belly, looked dryly at Di Yao and smiled, "I think it's better to take a walk in the garden."

Di Yao held her hand, and the two took a walk in the garden.

The stars are shining, and there is a faint mist, lingering in the mid-air.

The fragrance of flowers in the garden diffused, and in the hazy mist, the fragrance of flowers became more and more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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