Sky-high engagement: Pick up a cute wife and bring it home

Chapter 146 Do You Think I'm Stupid?

Chapter 146 Do You Think I'm Stupid?

"Sister, I'm scared, you sleep with me!"

Sikong Che's soft voice, eyes glistening with tears, looked at Mucheng and his heart softened for a while.

Upon hearing what Sikong Che said, Di Yao, who was lying on the bed, stroked his forehead immediately.

This fellow Sikongye, did he agree that his son will be cute, cute, reasonable, and won't cause trouble?
From now on, Sikong's family will not be allowed to come, hindering him and his real wife.

Cheng Cheng is so gentle and soft-hearted, she will definitely agree.

"it is good!"

As expected by Di Yao, Mucheng agreed.

"But Xiao Che, I haven't taken a shower yet, you go back first and wait for me to take a shower, okay?"

Mucheng discussed with him.

"Sister, take the pajamas and go to my place to take a shower, okay?"

As Sikong Che said, a pair of big eyes looked at her pitifully, it was really hard for Mucheng to refuse.

"Then you wait here for me now!"

Mucheng put him on the carpet and went inside to get his clothes.

Di Yao stared helplessly at Sikong Che, this little fellow is too ghostly!
At this time, Sikong Che looked at him obediently and smiled.

Di Yao looked at the sky speechlessly, he wanted to talk to Si Kongye later, could he let the young master go home first.

Mucheng quickly came out with Yijian clothes, Di Yao hurriedly said, "Just wear home clothes, don't wear those."

At this time, he really felt that those pajamas prepared at home before were simply too brutal and too revealing.

"You think I'm stupid!"

Mucheng shook her head helplessly, she let go of the clothes in her hands, it was a long loose cotton dress.

Seeing this, Di Yao nodded, waved his hands, and told them to leave quickly.

Out of sight is pure, my wife is sleeping with someone else, even though it is only a five-year-old child, and I have to guard the empty room alone, it is really miserable.

Mucheng took Sikong Che back to the guest room, and told him to go to bed and wait for her. When she came out of the shower, Sikong Che was still awake, with his eyes wide open, looking at the ceiling.

A smile appeared on his little face when he saw himself walking out.

Seeing her like this, Mucheng was heartbroken.

On the bed, Mucheng hugged him, and said slowly: "Xiao Che, it's not good for you to behave like this, a child should go to bed earlier."

"Well, I see, Xiao Che will always listen to my sister's words from now on."

Sikong Che hugged Mucheng's arm, smelling the warm fragrance from her body, and gradually closed his eyes.

"Also, Xiao Che will call me Auntie from now on, how can you call me Sister when you call Uncle A Yao?"

Mucheng corrected him.

"But you are just like my sister!"

Sikong Che pouted, defending.

Mucheng smiled, and for the first time felt that her baby face was a bit bad.


"it is good!"

Sikong Che had no choice but to agree.

"Good, go to sleep!"

Mucheng patted him, and soon Sikong Che fell asleep.

Night, quiet.

After a while, Mucheng also fell asleep.

Just before dawn, a small hand patted her face, Mucheng opened her hazy eyes, and watched Sikong Che staring at her with bright eyes.

"Auntie, I'm hungry!"

Sikong Che stroked his stomach.

"Okay, let's go wash up first, what do you want to eat, auntie will make it for you!?"

Mucheng agreed and sat up.

After the two finished washing, they went downstairs. Mucheng was on the wall of the stairs again, and saw the self-portraits of herself and Di Yao, which had been gorgeously framed.

(End of this chapter)

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