Chapter 147 Are You Hot?

But... the strange expressions of the two people are so harmonious with this house.

"Auntie, your expressions are so funny!"

Sikong Che then stopped, looked at the frame, covered his mouth, and laughed.

Hearing him laugh, Mucheng remembered when she was painting last night, and couldn't help but also laughed.

Early in the morning, the clear laughter of the two spread throughout the villa, adding a bit of joy to the family.

When they went downstairs, Mucheng was in the kitchen and casually made a lovely breakfast.

A poached egg with a small face drawn in tomato sauce and cut tomatoes for ears.

A small square piece of bread served as the body, and a small sausage, cut in half, was pieced together to form the arm.

In this way, the cute and happy little doll's breakfast is ready.

"So cute!"

When Mucheng brought the breakfast in front of Sikong Che, he beamed with joy.

"And milk!"

Mucheng put the milk by his side.

"Hmm... I don't like drinking milk!"

Sikong Che pursed his mouth, the milk smelled so bad that he wanted to vomit after drinking it.

"If you don't drink milk, you won't grow taller. Xiao Che obediently drinks the milk, and Auntie will cook delicious meals for you every day."

Mucheng comforted her.

"I've never had such a lovely breakfast!"

Di Yao came over, looked at Sikong Che's plate, and was a little displeased.


Hearing what he said, Mucheng suddenly found it funny.

Is this still the Di Yao she knew?Competing with the child to be jealous, shouldn't he pretend to be cool and read the newspaper?
"I don't drink soy milk, and I don't persuade me."

Di Yao was very displeased again.

"Uncle, I'm sure Auntie likes me more!"

Sikong Che's words were astonishing!

Di Yao snorted coldly, kid, do you know what you're talking about?

"That's right, I like Xiao Che the most, hurry up and drink the milk!"

Mucheng patted Sikong Che's head.


As if he was in a hurry to express himself, Sikong Che gulped down his whole life's milk in one go.

"Auntie, will you wait for me to grow up and be my wife?"

Sikong Che put the cup on the table, there was still a circle of white milk stains on his mouth, but at this moment his cute little face was extremely serious.

"Haha...Xiao Che, Auntie is already uncle's wife, so she can't be your wife."

When Mucheng saw Di Yao, whose face was flushed with anger when Sikong Che said that, she couldn't help laughing.

"Uh—" Sikong Che was a little discouraged, but he laughed again at any time, "Then I will marry my younger sister in the future."

After speaking, he glanced at Mucheng's flat belly with big eyes.


Following his gaze, Mucheng was also stunned for a moment, the speed of thinking of a child must be too fast.


Di Yao snorted again, his precious daughter would not marry this brat!
However, the daughter belonging to him and Mucheng must be very cute!
The daughter of him and Mucheng must be very good, she must...

Thinking of this, the face that stinks all morning has returned to normal.

Sikong Che was a child at heart, so he ate breakfast naturally after speaking.

Mucheng looked at Di Yao, and seeing that he was also looking at her meaningfully, she couldn't help but blush.

She avoided his fiery gaze, and her face blushed even more when she thought of what was interrupted last night.

She sat down, picked up a bowl of porridge and drank it.

(End of this chapter)

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