Chapter 204 I Believe Him
he asked aloud.

"it is good!"

Mucheng nodded and closed the menu.

"Give me a lettuce salad!"

Song Jiaren ordered a salad and put down the menu.

"My dear, you eat too little."

Wei Zhe also ordered a steak set meal and put down the menu.

"I can't help it!" Song Jiaren shrugged, and then looked at Mucheng enviously, "Watching Mucheng eat dessert, I really feel envious and jealous."

"Do you want to eat? Order one for you, anyway, I'm losing weight after eating."

Mucheng asked her with a smile.

"no, I'm fine."

Song Jiaren quickly refused, fearing that Mucheng would help her order.

After eating such a dessert, she probably won't be able to eat for a long time, even lettuce salad.

While several people were talking, Song Jiaren's lettuce salad was brought over, and the rest of the people's starters were also brought over.

Wei Zhe also raised his wine glass first, "Congratulations to the beautiful lady for her great achievements in China!"

Di Yao and Mucheng also raised their wine glasses, and everyone touched each other.

"Honey, come on!"

Immediately afterwards, Di Yao raised his glass to Mucheng again.

Mucheng was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what he meant.

Can't help but smile, clink glasses with him.

"Mucheng, I respect you too."

Song Jiaren raised her wine glass.

After a while, she smiled brightly again: "I wish us a happy cooperation."

Mu Orange nodded slightly and clinked glasses with her.

The steak was served soon, and Di Yao cut it up for Mucheng first, and delivered it to Mucheng.

Mucheng held a fork, and ate it when she forked it.

Obviously, I'm used to it.

Wei Zhe was also cutting and eating the steak. He glanced at Song Jiaren's expression and remained silent.

Song Jiaren ate the salad with a fork. The dish, which was originally extremely sweet, tasted extremely bitter when it entered her mouth.

Pulling chairs, cutting steaks, these things, he used to do for himself, but now he is doing it to another woman.

I thought that I could pretend that I didn't care, but I couldn't pretend.

Did Di Yao really forget so thoroughly? ?
Even the manager of this western restaurant remembers them, his indifference at this time, doesn't he remember anything?

Song Jiaren felt that her heart was trampled on the ground, being trampled on again and again.

Such pain can only be endured by myself.

After a meal, I gradually ate without words.

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Di Yao's fingers were stained with a little sauce, and he stood up.

"it is good!"

Mucheng nodded, still eating the soufflé.

Di Yao had just left for a while, and Song Jiaren also said that she was going to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

Mucheng still ate the dessert calmly.

Wei Zhe also looked at her with a look of bitterness and hatred.

"Why do you look at me like that?? If you want to eat, order it yourself!?"

Mucheng glared at him.

Hearing what she said, Wei Zhe's jaw was about to drop. He didn't look like he wanted to eat.

Oh My God.

"Aren't you going to take a look!?"

Wei Zhe also asked, he didn't believe it anymore, she was so relieved.

"I believe in Di Yao."

Mucheng said something lightly, lowered her head and continued to eat.

Sure enough, after a while, Di Yao walked over with a slightly worried expression.

After a while, Song Jia came in. Her complexion was ugly, a little pale, and her eyes were red. It was obvious that she had cried just now.

"I'm driving your car, and I went to the company with Chengcheng, you can take the beauty back!"

(End of this chapter)

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