Sky-high engagement: Pick up a cute wife and bring it home

Chapter 205 It seems that I can't get close

Chapter 205 It seems that I can't get close

After finishing speaking, Di Yao picked up the car keys that Wei Zhe also put on the table, pulled Mucheng and left.

Wei Zhe also widened his eyes, looking at Di Yao and his handsome backs.

After driving away his car, how can he give it away handsomely? ?
This is a serious problem.

"Are you ok?"

Wei Zhe also looked at Song Jiaren's slightly pale face and asked aloud.


Song Jiaren shook her head and forced a smile.

"In that case, why did you leave in the first place?"

Wei Zhe also looked at her like this, feeling uncomfortable.

"At the beginning, did you think I was the one who wanted to leave?"

Finally, as if she couldn't bear it anymore, Song Jiaren seemed to become a little aggressive.

"Could it be that I'm happy now that I see him doing to another woman what he did to me before?"

Song Jiaren laughed, and it was even more heartbreaking.

"Then why were you so desperate to leave without saying goodbye?"

Wei Zhe also asked aloud.

"It was his grandfather who asked me to leave, otherwise the Song family's property would no longer exist... I love him so much, how could I be willing to leave him like that, but I can't be so unfilial. If they no longer exist, what will my parents do?"

Song Jiaren's tears of grievance rolled down her smooth face.

Wei Zhe also saw her crying like a weak lily in a storm.

His hand lightly landed on Song Jiaren's shoulder.

Song Jiaren's eyes were red, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him and crying bitterly.

Crying heart-piercingly, she was not the same as before.

It seemed that this time, she would cry out all her grievances.

After a long time, Song Jia came out of Wei Zheye's arms, her eyes were red like a walnut.

"Feel sorry!"

She glanced at the clothes that were wet from her crying.


Wei Zhe also suddenly felt empty in his arms, feeling a little lost, and then smiled.

"Cousin, he and Mucheng are very happy now, you should bless them, some things, if you miss them, you will miss them."

Wei Zhe also looked into her red eyes and said, in fact, he didn't know how much she could listen to what he said.


Song Jiaren lowered her head and responded.

"Then I'll go out with you for a walk to relax?"

No matter what, having herself would help her get out of that kind of sadness.

"no need!"

Song Jiaren raised her head again, with a smile on her lips.

The consistent appearance, except for the swollen eyes, let people know that she was actually crying just now.

She was smiling at this time, with a kind of repulsion, making people feel that she couldn't get close to him at all.

"Ding dong!"

When Song Jiaren's cell phone rang, she picked it up and took a look.

"My assistant is here to pick me up, I'm going out first, Brother Zheye, let's make an appointment next time."

Song Jiaren took out her sunglasses, put them on, and walked away flirtatiously with her bag.

Wei Zhe also looked at her back, and suddenly felt strange.

In fact, no matter how he walked, he couldn't get into her heart, because she had never opened up to her.

He was sitting in the western restaurant, the overhead light was turned on, and it shone on his sculpted handsome face, with a kind of silent sadness.

Di Yao drove the car until they reached the parking lot. Mucheng didn't speak, but just played with the phone in her hand.

Just as the car stopped, Mucheng's hand was just about to open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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