Chapter 207 Exquisite Design


Mucheng shook his other hand and nodded.

For such a beautiful person as Song Jiaren and his first love, she must feel a little uncomfortable.

What's more, she had lunch at noon today, and she still described it like that. Compared with Song Jiaren, she was actually a cloud and mud.

Wait, a comparison between two people? ?

Thinking of this, Mucheng suddenly remembered the night she made an appointment with An Yinian.

Di Yao was constantly choosing and changing clothes.

Haha, in fact, his heart is also compared with An Yi and you!
But think about it, Song Jiaren and An Yinian are both very high-quality people.

But... now her thoughts about Song Jiaren... are a bit biased.

Although she looks like a fairy, she is not stained with dust.

But after getting along with her so many times today, I feel that she is a bit strange.

"Okay, get up! It won't be good if you soak again."

Di Yao collapsed first, wiped his body, and took out another blanket.

"come here baby!!"

Mucheng's graceful body stood up from the water, and Di Yao wrapped her in a blanket.

He carried her into the room.

No words for a night, infinite sweetness.

The next day, Song Jiaren had a movie conference, and she was already wearing a dress designed by Mucheng.

It was a sleeveless dress with an ink-and-wash belt tied around the waist, hanging on one side.

The skirt is also layered like lotus leaves.

The whole dress looks like a picture of the moonlight in a lotus pond.

Song Jiaren's long jet-black hair was still hanging loose behind her back, and she only wore a pair of pink pearl earrings on her small earlobes.

Sitting there, the whole person has a strong antique flavor, like a beauty who has traveled from ancient times.

"Excuse me, Ms. Song Jiaren, is the dress you are wearing the same as the Ink Beauty series designed by Ms. Mucheng?"

At the beginning, no reporter asked about the film, nor did the reporter ask about the privacy of the gossip, but they directly asked about the clothes they were wearing.


Song Jiaren nodded with a smile on her lips.

It was also the first time that she didn't like it very much. Someone asked her about the clothes she was wearing here.

"It's just the first one, and it's very beautiful. I'm looking forward to Miss Song Jiaren wearing the second one."

The rest of the reporters also praised him one after another.

Although this long skirt is very suitable for Song Jiaren, the design of the skirt is not exaggerated, with a refined Chinese style.

For many girls, they still like it.

Presumably, this series must be very popular when it comes out of the market.


Song Jiaren obviously didn't want to talk too much, but in the circle, she was always good-tempered. She pursed her lips and smiled shyly, and said nothing more.

Gradually, the topic turned to movie convenience.

Song Jiaren's hands were under the table, wrinkling her skirt.

And in the design department of the Imperial Group, Song Jiaren's movie press conference was also displayed on the large screen.

Except for Mucheng, everyone present saw the clothes designed by Mucheng for the first time.

All the people are basically amazed, this design is too good.

Song Jiaren's original three-point immortality was about to be supported by five points.

It's really beautiful.

Wan Nianqing looked at it and couldn't help being stunned.

She had seen Zhang Meng's design draft before, and if she compared that with this one, they were not at the same level at all.

(End of this chapter)

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