Chapter 208 That Dazzling Her

It's not that Zhang Meng's design is not good, it's just that their style series are not the same at all.

Zhang Meng's design is slightly sweet, while Mucheng's design makes Song Jiaren's temperament even more dusty.

Sometimes, it is the beauty that sets off the clothes, but this time, it is obviously the clothes that bring out the beauty.

"Mucheng, your design is really good!"

I don't know who it is, so let me say something first.

Immediately afterwards, all the people congratulated Mucheng one after another, and sincerely felt that she was really good.

It's really not relying on those backgrounds.

Wan Nianqing also looked at it with a frown, why didn't she open Mucheng's design draft to take a look that day, she just determined that Zhang Meng's was better than hers.

What made me so assertive.

Wan Nianqing's eyes were projected onto the screen again, Song Jiaren's stunning face with a smile.

Is it her? ?

If it's her style, Mucheng's design should be the one I like more!
But she showed that look to Zhang Meng's design.

Did you misunderstand yourself? ?

Thinking of this, Wan Nianqing felt a chill in her heart.

But why let yourself be misunderstood.

What good does this do for her? ?
Wan Nianqing couldn't figure it out, but felt very cold in his heart, and there was even a trace of coolness spreading from his back.

That chill came from Song Jiaren's sweet smile on the screen.

Zhang Meng sneered, turned and left.

I really can't listen to these flattery at all. What are the things she designed, and they are praised by everyone, isn't it because they are about to become popular, and these people are all chasing after them.

It's really ridiculous.

Wan Nianqing looked at Zhang Meng's expression when she went out, and suddenly felt a little bad in her heart. Why did she feel that something was about to happen.

Even if you hold back like that, it will happen.

She took a step and was just about to go to Zhang Meng, but the phone rang.

She answered the phone, then froze for a moment, then nodded.

"What's wrong? Director??"

Someone noticed her abnormality and asked aloud.

"The clothes Song Jiaren is wearing today are already on the market, and the sales are overwhelming."

When she said this, she couldn't believe it. If it was all due to Song Jiaren's effect, it would not be so fast.

It's really... terrible.

In time, she must be a great designer.

Wan Nianqing's eyes turned to Mucheng.

There was no unnecessary expression on Mucheng's face, and she looked at the screen in front of her lightly.

It seems that the excitement here has nothing to do with her.

After a while, she quietly went out again.

He continued to lie on the table, writing and drawing, as if he was designing something.

The parties were all so calm, and the rest of the people couldn't do anything better, and all of them returned to calm again.

The design department resumed its methodical work.

Wan Nianqing searched for a while, but couldn't find Zhang Meng. She called her, but the call was still not answered.

She stood at the entrance of the elevator, feeling uneasy all the time.

Although nothing happened, why would I feel uneasy.

She frowned and went back to the office.

Song Jiaren's meeting with film reporters has come to a successful conclusion.

She was welcomed out by the stars, and Wang Anni stood far away, looking at the dazzling Song Jia in the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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