Chapter 211

"Annie, what did you come to see me for today??"

Song Jiaren suddenly asked her again.


Wang Anni was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhang Meng who was on the side, signaling that it was difficult for her to say here.


Seeing this, Song Jiaren tapped her finger on the armrest twice, and she smiled softly again, "Then Zhang Meng, why are you looking for me again?"

Zhang Meng also glanced at Wang Anni, the two of them were also speechless.


Song Jiaren covered her mouth with her hand and yawned gracefully.

"I'm a little tired. If you have nothing to say, just leave."



Wang Anni and Zhang Meng never expected such a move.

This time they could see Song Jiaren, and they knew it was not easy, so they gave up the opportunity, and they didn't know when the next time would be.

"I heard that Miss Song Jiaren was interested in my design draft?"

Zhang Meng asked bluntly, her pupils twinkled, full of expectations.

Song Jiaren seemed a little sleepy. At this time, Zhang Meng's words had just finished, she was still a little dazed, and finally nodded again.

"Probably your design, I like it better!"

Sure enough, Song Jiaren nodded.

There is no tactful explanation at all.

"Then why did you choose Mucheng??"

Zhang Meng clenched her hands tightly, and her eyes were fixed on Song Jiaren.

Song Jiaren was stunned for a moment, but after a while, she smiled and said, "Because I'm more interested in Mucheng."

Zhang Meng was stunned by her answer. It was completely unimaginable. How could it be like this all of a sudden? What should she say?

"It's because Mucheng is the president's wife, so Miss Jiaren is interested."

When Wang Anni interjected, Zhang Meng was completely dumbfounded.

"Isn't she... the daughter who saved Vice President Wei's housekeeper?? Why is she the president's wife?"

Zhang Meng was frightened, and her speech was a little awkward. Her fingers were also trembling slightly.

She suddenly remembered that at that time, Wan Nianqing told her not to think too much.

Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious, such as Wang Anni.

She glanced at Wang Anni again. In Wang Anni's eyes at this moment, there was only a strong flame, which was the flame of revenge.

She glanced at Song Jiaren again, and saw that she was still so gentle, but her eyes were lowered, as if she was thinking about something.

Listening to her words, Wang Anni suddenly sneered.

From the bag, he took out a magazine, which was the magazine for Di Yao and Mu Cheng's wedding.

The above two people are wearing suits and wedding dresses, in a high-end hotel scene.

On the cover of the magazine, the title is the wedding of Di Yao and Mu Cheng's daughter, Mu Cheng.

Mucheng...the eldest daughter of the Mu family? ?
Seeing this, Zhang Meng felt that her heart was still.

Because she wanted to hide her identity, she dressed herself so strangely. She was also Mucheng, and it was because of such an ugly dress that no one would associate her with the high-ranking wife of the president.

That's right, only the president has the ability and courage to eradicate those who are unfavorable to his wife.

Knowing the truth, Zhang Meng was about to shed tears.

Now, actually... can she leave?
"Then Annie, what do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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