Chapter 212 Why I Don't Understand

Song Jiaren asked softly.

Her voice was very shallow, as if there was a thin veil between her and others.

It is also like a fog that can confuse people, and I really want to push it away to see everything clearly.

"I... I want revenge!!"

Wang Anni's voice was very deep, like hatred from ancient times.


Song Jiaren only responded shallowly.

"She didn't do well for the president's wife, but ran into the company and ruined my family. I just want revenge."

Probably, these things in the past were buried in her heart, but now that someone is there, Wang Anni feels very happy.

Saying this, don't suppress the feeling in your heart, it's very cool.

"Also!" Her eyes were bloodshot, "Zhang Meng, don't you hate it?"

She suddenly raised her head and looked at Zhang Meng.

"What do I hate??"

When Zhang Meng came here, he was full of anger.

In fact, it was very strange to say that when she knew that Mucheng was the president's wife, those flames were extinguished by the cold water in her head.

What's more, the choice of this design draft was originally Song Jiaren's choice.

It was she who was interested in Mucheng, that's why she was chosen.

No matter how good she draws, no matter how interested she is, it's just her.

Looking at it carefully now, she felt a little bit that the one drawn by Mucheng was actually not bad.

Just as she was thinking, her eyes also moved to the skirt that Song Jiaren threw to the ground.

"What do you hate?? She's the wife of the president. Why doesn't she stand up and be so sneaky? She obviously has such good resources. If she doesn't use them, she comes to fight for ours. Don't you hate it?"

Wang Anni's eyes were full of resentment. She stared at Zhang Meng and asked aggressively.

Looking at her crazy appearance, Zhang Meng was instantly frightened.

But after thinking about it, she was right.

But... so what.

She and Mucheng are two extremes, but how can they be intentional, but how can the ants shake the big tree.

Just like what the director said, some people should not be provoked.

She, Zhang Meng, now has a chance to get better.

So at this time, Wang Anni was so filled with righteous indignation, and she didn't resonate with her.

" want revenge, what does that have to do with me??"

Song Jiaren's face was full of innocence, her eyes were wide open, and she looked at Wang Anni in puzzlement.


Wang Anni was completely dumbfounded, and the anger released just now also stagnated there.

Silly, don't know what to say.

"Isn't the senior sister the president's girlfriend?? I think only someone like the president can be worthy of the demeanor of the senior sister. That Mucheng completely forcibly occupied the position of the senior sister."

Wang Anni's heart turned a thousand times, and finally she said something like this.

Song Jiaren's fingertips paused slightly on the sofa, and she still looked at Wang Anni softly.

When Wang Anni said these words, she was also shocked.

But seeing that Song Jiaren didn't say anything, he felt at ease.

In fact, she just wanted to take advantage of Song Jiaren's liking for Di Yao and let her fight Mu Cheng.

"What are you talking about, why do I not understand??"

Song Jiaren still looked ignorant, her eyes widened, and she just looked at Wang Anni.

It seems that she is talking about some bible, which is incomprehensible.

(End of this chapter)

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