Chapter 217 He Is Hers
Wei Zhe also said with a shy face and a smile.


Mucheng smiled and shook her head, looking towards Song Jiaren.

Today's Song Jiaren is equally beautiful, wearing a white lace dress with a close-fitting texture, revealing her graceful body.

She wore a pair of high pearl high heels on her feet, and only a pink pearl hair clip was pinned to her long jet black hair.

In her hand, she was holding a flower basket covered with a cloth of broken flowers. She didn't know what was inside.

"Mucheng, I'm sorry for visiting rashly!"

Song Jiaren had a hint of apology on her face, and a slight smile on her lips.


Mucheng also looked at her with a slight smile, but she was thinking in her heart, if she felt that she was being rash, don't come!

"This is the cranberry biscuit I baked for you to eat."

Song Jiaren sent the small flower basket in her hand to Mucheng's.

"Thank you!"

Mucheng handed the basket to Xiaoxue who was on the side, and invited them to the living room.

As soon as everyone sat down, Di Yao came down from upstairs.

Di Yao was wearing Mucheng's home clothes of the same style, because Mucheng likes bright colors, so he was also wearing the same light blue.

There is a big difference from usual in the company. A man in a suit and leather shoes is wearing a set of light blue clothes.

Immediately, there was a youthful atmosphere, with a feeling of being high-spirited and striving to make progress.

"Let's eat!'

He didn't seem to expect Song Jiaren and the others to come back, so he was slightly taken aback.

Holding Mu Cheng's hand, everyone walked to the dining table together.

Zuo Yueran couldn't wait to sit down, and kept dropping chopsticks like raindrops.

"This one was made by Mucheng, this one isn't!"

Like a food commentator, she quickly told which dishes were made by Mucheng.

"Yueran, do you often eat Mucheng's dishes? Why do you eat them as soon as you eat them?"

Wei Zhe was also amazed, and also used chopsticks to eat the dishes made by Mucheng.

I have to say that the cousin is really a good craftsman, and the dishes she cooks are not only exquisite, but also delicious.

There are certain dishes that he has never tasted when he traveled around the world.

After eating, he doesn't even want to eat dishes made in other places!
If I come here often for dinner in the future, my cousin will also go crazy.

"That's the thing, okay?"

While eating, Zuo Yueran spoke in high spirits, with a proud expression on her face, as if she was the one who cooked.

Mucheng looked at Zuo Yueran with a smile, and kept holding dishes for Di Yao, all of which he usually liked, and they were not spicy.

Di Yao smiled and ate them one by one.

Song Jiaren lowered her head and ate the food with small mouthfuls. It really was delicious.

Her eyes darkened, and she gritted her chopsticks.

She can also cook delicious dishes, she can too.

The slender fingers gripped the chopsticks tightly, very hard.

She felt that her heart was bleeding, and she saw that the man who had loved her so deeply in the past was now so sweet to another person.

Everything they do now is what they wanted to do in the past.

Di Yao is hers, and only she can be worthy of him.

"Girl, Mucheng's cooking is delicious!"

Wei Zhe also saw that Song Jiaren kept her head down, eating.

"Well, it's delicious!"

Song Jiaren raised her head and smiled sweetly.

(End of this chapter)

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