Chapter 218 Sakura Mousse
"I also want to learn how to cook, Mucheng, can you teach me?"

Song Jiaren looked at her expectantly, her eyes were full of light.

In front of so many people, she probably wouldn't refuse!
If I can, I can come here often, and then I can cook for Di Yao, and then Di Yao will fall in love with her again! !
Everyone looked at Mucheng together. Everyone knew about Di Yao's previous relationship with Song Jiaren.

At this time Song Jiaren asked again, and the atmosphere among everyone became more delicate.

"I'll give you the cooking teacher's phone number later. That's the teacher I learned from? That's great!"

Mucheng nodded, then lowered her head again, and drank the soup in small sips.

The expression on his face was very natural, nothing could be seen at all.

"Uh... well, thank you."

Song Jiaren thanked her with a smile, but there was a hint of disgust floating in her eyes.

"It's alright, it's a job."

Mucheng didn't lift her head, she still sipped the soup.

Everyone continued to eat, and when the meal was over, Xiaoxue served the cherry blossom mousse made by Mucheng.

The pink mousse has blossoming cherry blossoms on it. The delicate color makes people move their index fingers even if they are full.

"Chengcheng, let's go over there to eat!"

Zuo Yueran held the mousse cup and pointed to the terrace on one side, which happened to face the back garden.

There is also a rocking chair, two people sit on it, just right.


Mucheng nodded, she also didn't want to continue eating delicious desserts in this strange atmosphere.

Although, Song Jiaren did not blatantly express what she wanted to do to Di Yao.

But this kind of forwardness, coming in a grand manner, does feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

"Chengcheng, I feel that Song Jia's arrival is not kind."

Just sitting down, Zuo Yueran whispered.


Sure enough, she is not the only one with a woman's sixth sense.

"She's so perfect, it's kind of scary to be perfect."

Zuo Yueran sighed while eating the mousse.

"Am I not perfect??"

Mucheng squinted at her.

"Are you perfect?? Stop kidding."

Zuo Yueran is not afraid of power as a human being, and resolutely and loudly spoke out her shortcomings.

"Okay! I'm not perfect."

Mucheng also nodded.

"That's right, think about the scene of you fighting the goose. I still remember it vividly. Even if you appeared in front of me in a noble evening dress, the scene of you fighting the goose is still in my mind."

Zuo Yueran ate the mousse in his hand, sighing faintly.

"It's enough!"

Mucheng snorted coldly, at this time, is it really okay to talk about fighting with geese? ?

Besides, the goose is really a terrible animal.

Besides, she was really scared.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Zuo Yueran asked aloud.

"What should I do? If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. What if it's just my illusion!?"

Mucheng shook her head, took a mouthful of mousse, and the sweet taste melted in her mouth.

"Well, maybe she is really a perfect person?? It's just an illusion created by our envy, jealousy and hatred."

Zuo Yueran also nodded. After all, she is a woman. When she sees a beautiful woman, she will feel a little bit like that!

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Inside the villa, bursts of hearty laughter erupted.

(End of this chapter)

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