Chapter 220 A Familiar Room

Lisa's hand was pinched by Song Jiaren, and there was a trace of struggle in her eyes.

"I didn't push her!"

Mucheng frowned and looked at them coldly.

"Of course, you were sitting close to each other just now, did you see it? Or maybe Lisa was blindsided, after all, the path is so narrow."

Wei Zhe also asked aloud.

"We just didn't see..."

Zuo Yueran frowned, she was so busy flirting with Li Fan just now, she really didn't see anything.

"But Chengcheng won't push her."

Zuo Yueran was serious, holding Mucheng upright.

"You haven't seen it, so did Miss Jiaren fall into the flowers by herself?? Did she scratch her face on purpose??"

Lisa stared, angrily asking for blame.

Mucheng didn't speak, and everyone didn't speak.

"Lisa, don't say it anymore, it wasn't Mucheng who pushed me, it was my shoe that slipped and fell down."

Song Jiaren sat there, and the three bloodstains became more obvious on her fair face.

After Song Jiaren said this, Lisa stopped talking.

The expressions on the faces of all the people became very subtle.

After waiting for a while, the family doctor came over, cleaned Song Jiaren's wound and applied medicine.

Said some precautions, and then left again. .

"There will be no scars."

Wei Zhe also comforted him.

"Well! It's all right."

Song Jiaren nodded.

"Lisa, let's go back!"

Song Jiaren supported her hand and stood up.

"Then let's go together!"

Li Fan pulled Zuo Yueran and stood up too. He never thought that these things would happen during a meal today.

Zuo Yueran looked at Mucheng apologetically, if she hadn't said that she came here for dinner, she wouldn't be like this.

Mucheng saw Zuo Yueran's eyes, smiled and shook her head.

Di Yao sent them outside the door, and there were only the two of them left in the empty villa.

Mucheng stood in front of the door, looking at the car in the distance, gradually going away.

Immediately felt very irritable.

She didn't like that things were so unclear.

She has never done it, and those who believe in her will naturally say that she has never done it.

Although I know that people should not live in the eyes of others, but... the discomfort in my heart is also spreading more and more intensely.

"I'm going upstairs..."

As soon as she said this, she heard a noisy voice from a distance.

"There should be a reporter."

Di Yao narrowed his eyes.

"Tell them, close the door, and don't go out."

Di Yao said to the servant on the side.

The servant hurriedly called the guard.

After a while, two cars in the distance drove over again.

"Sorry, it seems that I will disturb you again today, we can't go out."

Song Jiaren got out of the car and gave Mucheng and the others apologetically.

"After all, you fell in our garden, and you should live here."

There was a smile on Mucheng's face, and she directly ignored the anger on Lisa's face.

"Xiaoxue, take Miss Song Jiaren to the room where she is used to living."

As soon as Mucheng said these words, Di Yao's expression changed a little.

Song Jiaren's eyes widened, and she looked at Di Yao in disbelief.

"That room, do you still keep it?"

"I've been forgetting to tidy up, you go to rest!"

Di Yao was in no mood at this time, so he had no time to explain all this.

With a smile on the corner of Mucheng's mouth, she turned around and went upstairs first.

(End of this chapter)

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