Chapter 221 Sore, Sore, Painful Feeling

Di Yao then followed.

Xiaoxue led Song Jiaren upstairs as well.

Wei Zhe also found a guest room to live in without anyone caring.

Tonight's Mingshan Villa has an extremely weird atmosphere.

The servants, who were originally laughing and laughing, did not dare to say anything at this time.

All of them were silent.

Mucheng went upstairs, and as soon as she walked into the room, Di Yao followed in, reaching out to stop the door he was about to close.

Mucheng let go of the door and walked in first.

Di Yao closed the door and walked to her side.


He stood by her side, made it down, and called out.

Mucheng responded and stopped talking.

"That room was kept before, but gradually, it was forgotten."

Di Yao quickly explained.

Looking at Mucheng's complexion, it also got worse and worse.

"That's your memory after all, forget it."

Mucheng was already in a bad mood, and talking about it now made her even more uncomfortable.

"No memories."

Di Yao spoke quickly.

"You may not have it now, but she has it! Di Yao, she is messing with me, can't you see it?"

Mucheng looked at him coldly.

"It was just that her assistant misread it, didn't she explain it?? She's not that kind of person."

Di Yao frowned.

The Song Jiaren in my heart, except for leaving without saying goodbye a few years ago, she has not done anything wrong.

Even when she was waiting for her to eat that day, her eyes were red, and she said to herself, wishing herself happiness.

Probably because the previous relationship ended unclearly, and he didn't want to face her any more.

"Then what do you mean, trust her, not me?"

Mucheng looked at him with raised eyebrows, a sneer twitched at the corner of her mouth.

"I believe you."

Di Yao rubbed his eyebrows and said something.

"……I have nothing to say."

Mucheng looked away, not wanting to continue this topic.

" can rest later, I'll go to the study."

Di Yao saw her expression of rejecting others thousands of miles away at this time, and talking to her was also arguing.

Thinking, leave for a while, let her calm down.

So, he got up and went to the study.

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, Mucheng's tears flowed down involuntarily.

She slumped on the sofa, covering her face with her hands, tears streaming from her fingers.

What do you mean, he believed in her, and he also believed in Song Jiaren.

What happened in the garden just now was actually the assistant's mistake.

Ha ha……

She lay on the sofa for a long time before she stood up, rubbed her dry eyes, and stood in front of the window.

Under the light of the floor lamp, she saw a white figure.

The corners of the skirt fluttered, and she stood there not knowing what she was looking at.

After a while, Di Yao walked over.

The two of them didn't know what they were talking about.

As he spoke, he sat down.

Mucheng pressed both hands on the window, tightly.

Then she drew the curtains to keep it all out of the window.

Even if he believed that Di Yao would be fine, what was the sore and painful feeling in his heart?

She was lying on the bed, hugging the quilt, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Why, living a good life all the time, because of Song Jiaren's return, it has become so strange.

No, she doesn't want to go on like this.

The more Song Jiaren wanted to sow the seeds of estrangement between them, the more she could not let her succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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