Chapter 222 Yogurt or Milk
Di Yao loves her, at this moment, she shouldn't be angry about any trivial matter.

Mucheng turned her body again, and turned her face to the door. At this time, the door opened, and it hit Di Yao's eyes at a glance.

She quickly closed her eyes again, trying to pretend to sleep.

Di Yao closed the door, seeing such a scene, couldn't help laughing.

"Are you an idiot? I've seen you, and you still close your eyes!"

Di Yao lay down beside her.

"You have a strange scent on you."

Mucheng opened her eyes, pouted and looked at him.

"I just chatted with the beauty for a while, and her shoe slipped, so I gave her a hand."

Seeing that she didn't like it, Di Yao reached out and took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of underwear, and sat beside her.

"What brand are her shoes?"

Mucheng asked suddenly.

"do not know."

Di Yao was also very surprised, how could she ask this question so well.

"Then I'll take a look tomorrow, it's so easy to slip and fall, I definitely won't buy it."

Mucheng thought for a while, then said again.

Di Yao was silent.

"Orange orange..."

Just as Di Yao was about to say something, Mucheng stopped him.

"I have neither good nor bad feelings for Song Jiaren. She is...your friend, and I don't know what to say."

After Mucheng finished speaking, she hugged the quilt again and turned it to the other side.

She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

She obviously did a good job in her psychological construction just now, but when she talked to him, she was still like this.

Of course, Song Jiaren has a beautiful mouth, a sweet mouth, and a gentle personality. Everyone will like her.

To be honest, she is not a person who cannot get along with her husband.

After all, who doesn't have the past, like An Yinian, isn't he blessing them well now?

But the few times she got along with this Song Jiaren, she didn't feel very comfortable.

Di Yao leaned towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

His chin rested on her head, Mucheng didn't dodge.

In fact, she didn't get emotional with Di Yao, but she felt a little uncomfortable.

Di Yao didn't say anything either, maybe after Song Jiaren left, she would be fine.

The two of them had nothing to say all night, and gradually fell asleep.

Probably because she didn't sleep well at night, Mucheng went to bed a little late in the morning, when she went downstairs.

Song Jiaren's laughter came from downstairs.

Probably hearing Mucheng's voice coming downstairs, Di Yao turned his head.

"Get up, come and have breakfast, it's made by a beautiful woman."

Knowing that they are together is nothing, but seeing them together, it feels a bit glaring.

What's more, it was Song Jiaren's breakfast, she didn't want to eat it.

"I have a bad appetite, I'll just drink a cup of yogurt."

Mucheng shook her head and sat down at the dining table.

Ask Xiaoxue to get the yogurt.

As soon as his fingers touched the yogurt, Song Jiaren, who was wearing her own apron, grabbed it.


Mucheng looked at her suspiciously.

"Get up in the morning, it's not good to drink yogurt on an empty stomach, drink milk!"

Song Jiaren pushed a glass of milk over.

"I don't like milk!"

Mucheng frowned, she didn't know why Song Jiaren's friendly gesture, in her eyes, looked like a dove occupying a magpie's nest.

Her heart is uncomfortable.

"Young Mistress, we have made thin pork porridge with preserved eggs, would you like some?"

Xiaoju stood at the door of the kitchen and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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