Chapter 227 The New Aunt Cook

Mucheng's eyes, with a trace of obsession, just looked up at the sky.

Sikong Che couldn't help it anymore, even though he felt a little dirty, he still lay down with her.

Looking up at the sky.

"Look at that cloud, doesn't it look like a calf?"

Mu Orange pointed to the sky on the left.

"Hmm! The one over there looks like me!"

After all, Sikong Che has a child's heart, and he has never lived like this in normal times. At first glance, the clouds in the sky turned out to be so interesting.

"Yeah, I'm next to you!"

"Haha, the other side is my dad!"

Sikong Che fell into boundless fantasy again.

Seeing him thinking like this again, Mucheng's hair suddenly turned black. Although he was a child, she thought that she couldn't give the child an illusory answer.

"Xiao Che, I have an uncle emperor."

"I knew."

Sikong Che opened his eyes wide and nodded.

"Let me think about it, isn't it okay!"

After finishing speaking, he looked up at the sky with great interest and looked at the clouds in the sky.

Mucheng was completely speechless.

The two leaned against each other again, head to head, talking a lot of silly things to each other.

Until, in the huge sky, there is the figure of Di Yao.

"Go back and eat!"

Di Yao stretched out his hand to Mucheng.

Mucheng blinked her eyes, looked at Di Yao's handsome face, and at the hand he stretched out in front of her eyes.

She also slowly stretched out her hand, and just as her palm touched Di Yao's hand, he was pulled up by him.

The two stood there, staring at each other for a while.

Sikong Che, who was lying on the ground, waiting to be pulled up, got up all at once.

Forget it, no one asked, I still have to stand up strong.

The two stared at each other for a long time, Di Yao touched her face, and then took her hand again.

"Go back to dinner! I will take care of other things."


Mucheng nodded, and was pulled forward by him.

"You don't wait for me."

Sikong Che pouted and followed.

The three of them were in front of each other, and the setting sun stretched their shadows very, very long.

As soon as they walked into the villa, they saw Song Jiaren wearing Mucheng's apron, looking at them with a charming smile.

"You are back, you can eat."

"Hey, is this the new auntie cook, so pretty!"

Sikong Che stared wide-eyed and asked with a smile.


Song Jiaren was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook her head, "Little friend, I am here as a guest just like you."

"Oh, that's it!"

Sikong Che nodded.

"Girl, you are recuperating here. Don't do these things in the future."

Di Yao sat down at the dinner table and talked to Song Jiaren.

Song Jiaren sat down on the other side of him, her fingers tightened slightly.

She stayed because she wanted to awaken Di Yao's feelings for her.

She didn't believe at all that she would lose to Mucheng.

Stay, and whenever she has time, she will make him the things he liked before.

"No, because I was accidentally injured and caused inconvenience to you all. Looking at Mucheng, I was also in a bad mood, so I thought about cooking, so I took it as an apology."

Song Jiaren held the chopsticks in her hand, lowered her head slightly, tears rolled down drop by drop.

Di Yao saw it, what happened yesterday was an accident after all.

She is a highly anticipated star, staying and living, and being written about by entertainment reporters.

"In a few days, this matter will be resolved."

(End of this chapter)

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