Chapter 228 Watching Anime!
Di Yao said something in a low voice, holding on to his chopsticks and preparing to eat.

When Mucheng heard her say that, she also smiled and said nothing.

The soup on the side is old duck soup, which was made by Xiaoju and the others yesterday.

She filled a bowl of soup and drank it there.

Sikong Che on the side was holding vegetables, ready to eat.

Just after taking a bite of the ancient pineapple meat, I spit it out all at once.

"What's the matter, Xiao Che??"

Mucheng patted him on the back, thinking he was choking on being robbed.

"It's so unpalatable, this dish."

Sikong Che's brows were tightly wrinkled.

"Xiao Che, don't you look like this?"

Mucheng thought she was messing around, so she tapped his nose.

“The taste is a bit strange!”

Di Yao took a mouthful, and silently spit it into the side dish.

It's terrible, really, but it's not easy to say too sharp words in front of Song Jiaren.

Mucheng also picked up an ancient piece of meat with chopsticks, the outside was so sour and the inside seemed not cooked through.

A fishy smell spread in the mouth.

Mucheng felt nauseous for a while, she vomited out the half-baked meat, and retched twice.

It's really disgusting.

"Sorry, I……"

Song Jiaren's big eyes were filled with tears, which were about to burst out.

No, Di Yao likes to eat the dishes she made before, and they are still clean.

Why is there such a situation now.

Song Jiaren didn't show it on the surface, but her heart was already surging.

"Auntie, I'm hungry."

Sikong Che looked at Mucheng pitifully, his big eyes were as moist as a deer.

Di Yao didn't speak, but still looked at Mucheng.

Song Jiaren grabbed the tablecloth with both hands, a look of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

"Otherwise, just eat curry and rice."

Mucheng stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"I'll help you!"

Di Yao also stood up.


Song Jiaren also stood up, but was stopped by Sikong Che before she finished speaking.

"This beautiful aunt, watch TV with me!"

"Beauty, you are a guest, so don't do anything else, just watch TV with Xiao Che."

With that said, Di Yao also walked into the kitchen.

Song Jiaren stood there in a daze, watching the two of them standing together in the refrigerator as if they were picking something, enjoying themselves.

"Miss Jiaren, take off your apron, our young mistress needs it!"

Xiaoxue walked up to Song Jiaren, with a smile on her face, she held out her hand.

Song Jiaren held the hem of the apron with one hand, she tore it off, and handed the apron over.

"Pretty auntie, let's watch TV together!"

Sikong Che pulled Song Jiaren to the sofa together.

Song Jiaren was originally very anxious, but seeing Sikong Che's pretty face, she liked it a little more.

Perhaps, if I get along with this kid, I can also let Di Yao see his gentle and pleasant appearance.

Thinking of this, Song Jiaren's smile became even more gentle.

"Your name is Xiao Che! What do you want to see??"

Song Jiaren touched the top of Sikong Che's head with her slender fingers.

"Let's watch Ultraman Tiga!"

Sikong Che smiled and looked at Song Jiaren cutely.


Song Jiaren was taken aback for a moment, no matter how this kid watched anime, it was so bloody.

"Pretty aunt, won't you show me??"

(End of this chapter)

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