Chapter 230 You Are So Fierce
As Sikong Che said, he even kissed her on the face, deliberately kissing some saliva on her face.

"This game is too violent, it's not good!"

Song Jiaren resisted the urge to wash her face, and was hugged and kissed by him the whole time.

"Violent? were so fierce just now??"

Sikong Che looked at him, sucked his nose, and trembled his lips again, as if he was about to cry again.

"Okay, I'll play with you!"

Song Jiaren snorted coldly, this brat actually threatened him.

Probably after playing crazy, he will forget the things he did to him before.

"All right!"

Sikong Che got away from her and stood on the sofa.

Cross your hands in front of your chest, "I am Ultraman, you are a monster, but monsters cannot defeat Ultraman. I will beat you!"

After he finished speaking, he kept yelling, and hit Song Jiaren's face and body with a slap in the face,

Song Jiaren is completely stupid, okay? ?

I haven't had much contact with children. Even the children I meet are well-behaved and polite. Where have I met such a terrible bear child.

Your heart isn't beating anymore, okay?
He was beaten constantly on his body and face.

She put her face in her hands, and told herself in her heart, don't get angry, don't deliver the goods, don't hit him, absolutely don't hit him.

"Ding dong, ding dong...ah, Ultraman is out of power."

After speaking, Sikong Che fell down from the sofa and lay flat on the sofa.

Song Jiaren felt that the whole world seemed to be silent.

She secretly removed her hands and looked towards Sikong Che, only to see him lying flat on the sofa, motionless.

"Hey, what's wrong with you??"

Song Jiaren was very afraid of him, and suddenly wanted to frame her for something.

She hastily moved towards him and nodded.

"I'm out of battery now, you can hit me now."

Sikong Che lay there, motionless, and signaled to Song Jiaren that it was time to beat him.

"I won't fight!"

Song Jiaren shook her head, and said gently, "I'm an adult, how can I beat you, a child?"

But he was thinking in his heart, this brat, don't want her to be fooled.

What will happen if you hit him!

snort!She will not be fooled.

"No, this game is played like this. You have to hit me when I'm out of battery, and then I can kill you."

There was a hint of stubbornness on Sikong Che's small face, and then he smiled again.

"If you don't hit me, I'll tell Uncle Di that you just killed me!"


Song Jiaren was speechless immediately, this child must have been sent by heaven to punish her!

Song Jiaren immediately felt the deep malice from this world.

"good good good good!"

Song Jiaren had no choice but to go and pat him lightly.


After hitting him three or four times, Sikong Che suddenly rolled down from the sofa.

"woo woo woo woo--"

Heart-piercing cries echoed throughout the living room.

Song Jiaren's hand stopped in mid-air, and she looked at Sikong Che crying desperately on the ground.

"Xiao Che, what's wrong with you??"

At this moment, Mucheng trotted over from one side.

Song Jiaren suddenly petrified, she was a little stiff, and put down her hand.

At this time, Di Yao put down the plate in his hand and walked to them.

"Xiao Che, are you okay!"

Mucheng saw Sikong Che crying with tears and snot all over his face, she quickly took out a tissue and wiped it for him quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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