Chapter 231

Kissed his face flushed red from crying again.

"Ah Yao, just now he...I..."

Song Jiaren was also very worried, whether this brat would frame her.

"It was he who wanted to play this game with me, I didn't push him!"

Song Jiaren was very anxious and seemed a little incoherent.

"No, no."

Sikong Che sobbed.

"What is it, Xiao Che!"

Mucheng looked at Song Jiaren coldly, then lowered her head and asked Sikong Che.

"It was a game of Ultraman vs. monsters with my beautiful aunt. Auntie is a monster. She beat me. I said before that this game can only end if I beat her. Now she beat me. This game a failure..."

As he spoke, Sikong Che, who was sobbing, started to cry even more.

Upon hearing Sikong Che's explanation, Song Jiaren was so angry that she wanted to scold her.

This brat is too cheap!

Those who thought he would go back to sue, who knew, would say such idiotic words.

I said that just now, could it be that I am too narrow-minded.

"Xiao Che, it's fine, let's have dinner!"

Mucheng gave Song Jiaren a sarcastic look, and dragged Sikong Che to the dining table.

Song Jiaren stood there in embarrassment, looked at Di Yao, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"A child's world is very simple. He cares about it. Sometimes, it's very nonsensical. Playing with him is tiring. You don't have to deliberately play with him."

Di Yao saw that Song Jiaren's hair was disheveled, so there was no trace of temperament in her current image.

"Ah Yao..."

Song Jiaren called out, secretly hating that she was slapped by that brat, Sikong Che.

"Come and eat!"

But Di Yao didn't continue to listen to her, the two walked to the dinner table one after the other.

All the dishes she cooked before were removed, and there was only one plate in front of everyone.

It is fragrant curry rice, which is made by Mucheng.

Originally, Song Jiaren really wanted to shirk, because she didn't want to eat.

But just now playing with Sikong Che for a while, after a battle of wits and courage, he was exhausted physically and mentally.

My heart is very tired.

At first I really wanted to be arrogant, these are not edible, but the next second, my fingers are not thinking about it.

The rice in the plate is very cute. It looks like Snow White made out of rice balls, and the curry sauce is poured on Snow White's skirt.

It's like wearing a yellow dress, and the yellow carrots are cut into small flowers and thrown beside Snow White's hair.

Song Jiaren took another bite, and the rich aroma of curry filled her mouth.

Indescribably wonderful.

She looked at it again, and there were two little bears inside Sikong Che's plate, they were also very cute.

When her gaze rested on Mucheng and Di Yao's plate, the hand holding the spoon also exerted a little force.

Inside their plate was a pair of dolls. It could be seen that they were dolls kissing each other.

In an instant, she thought of the picture of the two of them kissing in the kitchen before.

The strange feeling in her heart swept over her again.

The heart seems to be being delayed.

The curry rice that I thought was delicious at first, and the curry rice with a strong aroma, also lost my appetite at this time, and she felt that it was hard to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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