Chapter 232 They are a good match
She sat up slowly and leaned against the back, her eyes became sharper.

Di Yao, it's hers, it's hers.

The next day, because it was the weekend, Sikong Che's tutor stopped for a day.

Moreover, Di Yao is also planning to accompany Mucheng at home.

So at home, it suddenly became lively.

When Mucheng went downstairs early in the morning, she didn't see Song Jiaren who could cook.

"Auntie, shall we go fishing?"

Sikong Che also trotted down the stairs, and behind him was Xiaoju in a hurry, as if he was afraid that he would fall.


Mucheng reached out and hugged him, and kissed him on his flushed face.

"Oh, I've grown up, don't hug me anymore."

Sikong Che was a little shy, he twisted his small body, and then stopped moving again.

Mucheng smiled silently, this little guy is really arrogant, since he said so, he still really wants to be hugged in his heart.

Thinking about it, Mucheng hugged him even tighter.

When they came to the dining table, they put Sikong Che aside and poured him a glass of milk.

"Xiao Che, hurry up and have breakfast, and then we'll go fishing."

With that said, Mucheng took a piece of bread and ate it.

"Fishing, do you want to go fishing today?"

Di Yao came down from upstairs and took the newspaper from the maid.

He sat down, took a sip of strong coffee, and glanced at the newspaper.

"Yes, Uncle Di, can you?"

Sikong Che blinked and looked at him.

"Of course..." Di Yao deliberately slowed down his speaking speed, and sure enough, Sikong Che's small face became tense.


As soon as he said this, Sikong Che cheered.

He twitched happily on Mucheng's face.

Di Yao's face darkened, when will this brat leave?

Always here, taking advantage of his wife.

Fortunately, he does not hit children!

"Morning everyone!"

At this time, Song Jiaren also came down from upstairs, wearing a long white dress as usual.

Just, wear a pair of soft flat shoes.

Her long jet-black hair was also tied up, giving it a youthful air.


Mucheng also nodded to her.

Song Jiaren sat down opposite Mu Orange, and drank a cup of coffee. After taking a sip, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

Mucheng glanced at her, then slightly looked away.

Thinking that she had suffered so badly yesterday, she felt relieved in various ways.

"Pretty auntie, we're going to go fishing later, are you going?"

After Sikong Che finished drinking the milk, there was a lovely circle of snow-white milk on the edge of his lips.

"Ah... let's go!"

Although looking at Sikong Che's face was a bit disgusting, Song Jiaren still smiled and nodded.

"That's great, pretty auntie is fishing with us."

Sikong Che clapped his little hands.

Seeing how happy he was, Mucheng reached out and touched his head.

Sikong Che pursed his lips and smiled.

Song Jiaren didn't want to see him at all, she lowered her head and continued drinking her coffee.

After breakfast, Mucheng and Di Yao went to change their clothes, and they put on the specially made couple outfits before.

Song Jiaren and Sikong Che were already standing outside waiting for them.

"Auntie and uncle are so pretty."

Sikong Che clapped his hands and praised.

"Right, pretty auntie!"
It’s so miserable, chapter 273 was reported, and now it’s being blocked, I modified it, it seems to be unblocked within 24 hours... TT, I dare not write that kind of messy plot anymore, continue to ask for votes, give me comments, and give me motivation !

(End of this chapter)

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