Chapter 233 You go away
As he spoke, he also asked Song Jiaren.

"Yes, haha, yes!"

Song Jiaren's heart is already going crazy, isn't it!

A group of four walked towards Mirror Lake again.

The mirror lake, which is approaching summer, still has an unexpected beauty.

Mucheng wore a big sun hat, sat on the stone bench in front, and put the fishing rod into the water.

In fact, fishing is also very good, you can relax.

During this period of time, there were too many complicated things, and my heart was always in chaos. At this time, fishing is actually a good choice.

Di Yao was also attached to the fishing rod, and sat down beside her.

Song Jiaren naturally sat down on the other side of Di Yao.

"Oh, beautiful aunt, can I sit by your side??"

Sikong Che's small body sat beside Song Jiaren.

Although he just asked aloud, he had already sat down.


Song Jiaren was speechless for a while, your sister has already sat down and is still here to ask questions.

However, in front of Di Yao, she certainly has many opinions, and she can't say anything.

She smiled and nodded.

"That's great! I've already sat down. If you don't agree, I'll stand up."

Sikong Che laughed, and started to throw the fishing rod into the water with the fishing rod in his hand.

Song Jiaren just looked at the silver fishhook as it passed by the side of her face.

Her heart trembled, and she quickly dodged towards Di Yao's side.

As if watching her dodge, Di Yao also dodged in Mucheng's direction.

Sikong Che's hook easily fell into the water.

"Pretty auntie, I scared you, I'm sorry!"

Sikong Che also apologized to Song Jiaren very politely.


Song Jiaren waved her hands again and again, and she sat up straight again in embarrassment.

keep fishing!

Just now she deliberately hid in Di Yao's direction, but Di Yao stepped aside.

He stepped aside!
These few words broke my heart at once.

Song Jiaren continued to fish in despair.

"It seems that there are fish!"

Sikong Che pulled the fishing line suddenly, and when the fishing rod was raised, there was no fish at all.

He was a little dejected, and continued to flick the hook into the water.

The soul of Song Jiaren on one side was not here long ago, so she didn't care about it.

But this time, Sikong Che's fishhook caught her hair.


Song Jiaren was slightly surprised, her whole body was not well.

She quickly threw the fishing rod in her hand, and began to untangle the fishhook wrapped around her hair.

Damn it, this kid actually wrapped the fishhook around her hair.

Song Jiaren's hands began to fluster, and after waiting for a while, the maid who was serving her also came over to help.

"Pretty auntie, are you okay!"

Sikong Che cried out worriedly, and he also walked to Song Jiaren's side, wanting to help untie it.

"You go away!"

Song Jiaren felt anxious for a while, and she pushed Sikong Che aside.

"Plop--" Sikong Che fell into the water with a sound.

Song Jiaren felt a burst of pain in her hair. It turned out that when Sikong Che fell, he was pulling the fishing rod on one side. It was probably because of the high quality of this fishing rod.

Even if the fishing rod was pulled and fell, the fishing line was not broken.

(End of this chapter)

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