Chapter 234 Falling into the Water

Song Jiaren felt her scalp ache from being pulled.

After two more plops, Di Yao and Mucheng jumped into the water one after another.

Song Jiaren sensed that something was wrong, so she also jumped down.

If you don't go down, your scalp will really be pulled off by that struggling brat.

Immediately, inside Mirror Lake, it began to gurgle like dumplings.

It got confused.

Di Yao hugged Sikong Che, and then his heart settled down. If something happened to Sikong Che while playing here, how would he explain it to Sikong Ye.

"Help, help—"

At this time, another weak voice came from his ear, and he saw Song Jiaren rising and falling in the water.

"Chengcheng, go save her! I'll send Xiao Che up first!"

Di Yao believed in Mucheng's swimming skills, so he held Xiao Che in his arms and swam over to the shore.

Mucheng swam up to Song Jiaren, but Song Jiaren rejected her a bit.

Mucheng slapped her hard, and while Song Jiaren was dumbfounded, she dragged Song Jiaren to the shore.

Once on the shore, Song Jiaren sat there, spitting out a few mouthfuls of water.

Her face was a little pale, and she kept coughing a few times.

She touched her hair again, but luckily she just jumped into the water, due to the lubrication of the water.

The hook has long since slipped.

Song Jiaren breathed a sigh of relief that her hair was fine.

"Is your hair that important?? Is it necessary to push Xiao Che into the water?"

Mucheng stood and looked at her coldly.


Song Jiaren was thinking about making a speech, but just now she was in a hurry and pushed her away. Everyone saw it, and she couldn't argue with it.

"I was not careful."

Song Jiaren had tears in her eyes, full of apology.

Mucheng glanced at her ironically, turned and left, and hurriedly went to see Sikong Che.

As soon as we met, there was no one around Jinghu Lake, and no one cared about it.

I am used to being admired by all the stars, and wherever I go, there are always people around and asking about something.

This time, it would be like this, it was simply too much.

Didn't she do it on purpose just now?

Song Jiaren beat the ground angrily.

"Miss Beauty...are you okay!"

Lisa put a piece of clothing on her body.


Song Jiaren supported Lisa's hand and stood up.

The two walked in the direction of Mingshan Villa.

"Is that brat okay!?"

Song Jiaren was worried about accountability, she wouldn't care about that brat, she was just afraid of what Di Yao would do to her if something happened to him.

"It's okay, I changed my clothes and drank ginger tea, and I'm already feeling better, but when I heard President Di Yao's call, his father is coming to pick him up."

Lisa explained clearly to Song Jiaren what she had heard sentence by sentence.

Song Jiaren nodded and said nothing more.

"Let's go see him."

"it is good!'

Lisa nodded, and she said, her Miss Beauty is always so gentle and pleasant.

It was careless just now, and it was not our Miss Jiaren's fault that I pushed that kid.

Lisa supported Song Jiaren, and the two walked into Sikong Che's room.

Only Xiaoju was there, and when Xiaoju saw that it was Song Jiaren, she became a little on guard.

"Xiao Che, are you okay!?"

A trace of hatred flashed in Song Jiaren's eyes, and then she covered it up again.

(End of this chapter)

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