Chapter 235

Inside Qiu Shui's pupils, there was a flash of water.

She looked at Sikong Che on the bed full of apology, "Xiao Che, I'm sorry! I really didn't mean it just now."

She lowered her head slightly, tears streaming down her face.

But for a long time, I didn't hear Sikong Che's answer.

This brat, it's too much, I have come to apologize to him before I changed my clothes, and he is like this.

"Miss Beauty?"

Xiaoju suddenly spoke.


Song Jiaren raised her lovely and pitiful face, and the tears in her eyes still flowed out little by little.

"Master Xiao Che, seems to have fallen asleep!"

Xiaoju didn't want to say it at first, but seeing Miss Jiaren apologizing here, no one heard it, and it was so miserable.


Just as Di Yao and Mu Cheng walked in, Song Jiaren collapsed to the ground.

Mucheng looked at her and couldn't help frowning.

She really deserves to be a fairy sister, she fainted just after coming out of the water.

Really weak!
"President Di, hurry up and help me, take Miss Jiaren to her room!"

Lisa is also a girl after all, she was a little helpless, squatting there very anxious.

Miss Jiaren likes Di Yao, she must be very happy if she wakes up and finds out that she was carried to bed by Di Yao.

Thinking about it, Lisa's eyes also showed an uncontrollable smile.

Fortunately, she lowered her head, and no one else could see her expression clearly.

All eyes were on Di Yao.

Di Yao backed away expressionlessly, and Lisa also looked at him suspiciously.

Finally, she turned her eyes to Mucheng who was standing beside Di Yao, just about to say something.

Di Yao spoke.

"Xiaoxue, help send the beauty to her room."

As soon as Di Yao's voice fell, Xiaoxue walked in from the door.

Lisa opened her mouth, and was about to say something, but seeing Xiao Xuebang's big waist, she stopped talking immediately.

Xiaoxue walked up to Song Jiaren's side, and a princess hugged Song Jiaren lightly.

Lisa opened her mouth wide in surprise, and followed her out.

"Xiao Che fell asleep, do you want to go back and have a rest!?"

Di Yao stretched out his hand to brush away the hair hanging from Mucheng's face.

"I'll stay with him here, in case anything happens."

Mucheng shook her head, she glanced at Sikong Che with some worry, she was still a little bit reluctant to part with this child, Little Che.

"Well, then I'm going to the study."

Di Yao nodded, then turned and left to the study.

Mucheng took off her shoes and got on the bed.

As soon as he got into bed, Sikong Che seemed to feel it. His whole small body was just curled up in her embrace.

There was also a sweet smile on his calm little face.

Seeing such a happy scene, Xiao Ju quietly left the room with a smile on her lips.

She had just closed the door and came out, and as soon as she reached the stairs, she saw Xiaoxue who was also coming.

The two smiled at each other.

"I really didn't expect that Miss Jiaren was so weak that she fainted."

Xiaoxue pouted.


Xiaoju didn't speak, and didn't want to respond.

But Song Jiaren's body was indeed a little weaker.

Of course, they misunderstood Song Jiaren this time.

He really didn't faint because of his weak body, but because he fainted out of breath.

Lisa helped Song Jiaren untie her wet clothes, but it was difficult to dress her, so she took the quilt and covered her body.

(End of this chapter)

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