Chapter 237 Is it First Love?
"Go back so early." Mucheng was a little bit reluctant.

"It will still come in the future!"

Sikong Che smiled and nodded, besides, his purpose of coming today has already been achieved.

The two held hands with each other and quickly went downstairs.

Not long after, there were bursts of laughter in the kitchen.

Compared to the laughter and laughter in Mingshan Villa, Song Jiaren's press conference on the first floor of the Emperor Hotel seemed much more stagnant.

Song Jiaren was wearing a snow-white long dress, with a plain face and relatively light lips.

Although the wounds on her fair cheeks had almost healed, they were still shocking.

She was originally a beautiful woman, but the wound on her face was even more heartbreaking.

Although the reporters were all inquisitive people, they were no longer so aggressive when they saw the wound on Song Jiaren's face and the pitiful aura she carried.

However, the male reporters are like sleeping cats, but the female reporters are still sharp.

"Excuse me, Ms. Song Jiaren, are you the mistress as the rumors say, who wanted to intervene in someone's family, and ended up being slapped by the wife?"

As soon as the female reporter asked the question, the scene fell silent.

All people, all eyes, all looked at Song Jiaren.

Although Song Jiaren's face was a little pale, there was always a smile on her lips, and there was a bright light in her eyes.

Hearing this question, a sharp light flashed in her eyes, which was immediately covered up by her.

She smiled and looked up at the female reporter who was asking the question.

There was a tinge of sanctity in her smile, even a tinge of redemption.

The female reporter who asked the question felt uneasy when she saw her smile like this.

It felt like he had blasphemed her.

After all, she is like a fairy woman!

Of course, this idea is only for a moment. They are reporters, and the first priority is to dig endlessly for news.

"That day, I just went to dinner with my friends. Later, on the path in the garden, the pebble was relatively slippery, and it fell into the flowers, and my cheek was slid by the thorns of roses. give the correct answer."

"Then... On that day, why didn't you just leave and live in the Emperor's House?"

Another reporter raised questions, completely denying Song Jiaren a chance to rest.

"Because you were all too enthusiastic that day, you couldn't move around even if you blocked the road, and you were very anxious because of the scratch on your face, so you had to find a family doctor at the Emperor's House."

No matter what questions she asked, Song Jiaren always smiled and gave impeccable answers.

"Then you and Mr. Di Yao are in the relationship of first love?"

At this time, a reporter raised a heavy-weight question.


When Song Jiaren heard this question, the smile that had always been on the corner of her mouth froze a little.

Finally she nodded.

The audience was in an uproar. After all, they hadn't found out such a big news before.

However, this is not surprising, after all, Song Jiaren had been developing abroad before, and few people were digging into her past affairs.

After all, she has never had any scandals, not even a clean one.

(End of this chapter)

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