Chapter 238
Besides, with such a fairy image, no one wants to find her.

Who knew that her past was so shocking.

"However... this is all in the past. We have ended for many years. At this time, I admit that I just want to say... don't bother him anymore. He is married and very happy. Let's bless them together !"

When Song Jiaren said these words, her face was flushed, and her eyes were also moist.

All the people present applauded.

The smile on Song Jiaren's lips became even more gentle.

A special press meeting was also satisfactorily resolved.

Di Yao was in the study, watching the press conference on the computer until the end, when he heard that Song Jiaren admitted their previous relationship, he couldn't help frowning.

After all, it is a matter of the past, in fact, it is better to say it, so as to save it from being taken out to catch rumors.

Now that the matter is settled, Cheng Cheng won't be so unhappy!
Di Yao put away everything in his hands, opened the door, and walked downstairs.

Just walking down the spiral staircase, I heard bursts of laughter from downstairs.

Turning downstairs again, I saw Mucheng and Sikong Che chasing each other, laughing.

At this time, Mucheng's smile reached the bottom of her eyes, and her body was filled with that pleasant emotion.

As Di Yao walked down, he saw Mucheng bumping towards him without hesitation. When she came, her eyes were still looking in the direction of Sikong Che behind her, so she didn't know that she had already walked beside her.

Di Yao hugged her soft body.

Mucheng was tightly held by his hands, she stared at him with wide eyes.


Sikong Che on the side opened his eyes wide, watching the excitement.

It seems like a lot of fun.

"Don't let go!"

Di Yao still hugged her body, and tightened his hand again, but he didn't let go.


Mucheng's face blushed for a while, she kicked Di Yao, but he still didn't let go.

Mucheng looked at Sikong Che who was smiling strangely, and suddenly felt upset.

"It's not good for your husband and wife to be in front of children!"

At this time, a cold and joking voice came from the door.

Everyone looked at the door in unison, it was Sikongye.

"You know what, we're building this kid's emotional intelligence."

Di Yao said so, but still let Mucheng relax.

When Mucheng saw that the person who came was Sikongye, she couldn't say anything to Di Yao for a while.

He just walked to Sikong Che's side and hugged Sikong Che's small body.

Sikong Ye is here, and Sikong Che is about to go back.

She was so reluctant to part with Sikong Che, what a wonderful child, if it wasn't for his mistake, Song Jiaren would not have left at this time.

Actually, I'm not afraid of what will happen to Song Jiaren, it's just that when I see her, my heart will be blocked and I will feel uncomfortable.

I'm in a bad mood, nothing is going well.

"Auntie, my dad is here to pick me up, I'm going back, I'll come to play with you next time!"

Sikong Che was also a little bit reluctant, but he still touched the top of Mucheng's head in a comforting manner.

"You little guy!"

Mucheng was soothed by him, inexplicably finding it funny.

She patted Sikong Che's little hand lightly.

The two smiled knowingly, and their relationship was very good.

"Why don't we eat here??"

(End of this chapter)

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