Chapter 239
Seeing that they have a good relationship, Di Yao also wants to play with this little guy who specializes in stealing his wife's time for a while longer.

"I still have something to do, Xiao Che, let's go!"

Sikong Ye refused, stood where he was, and waved at Sikong Che.

Sikong Che let go of Mucheng, kissed her on the face again, and then walked back to Sikongye's side.

Mucheng stood up slowly, she looked at Sikong Che with a distressed expression.

When I saw him by my side, he was still a lively and lovely child.

But when he walked slowly to his father, he became like a little adult again.

Heaven has given great responsibility to the people of Sri Lanka.

"Goodbye, aunt and uncle!"

Sikong Che waved at the two of them, and left with Sikong Ye.

Mucheng pursed her lips and stood there, watching him leave.

Although she had heard from Di Yao before that Xiao Che's IQ was particularly high.

At the age of seven or eight months, he has intelligence that is different from ordinary people.

He didn't officially go to school, but his governess started teaching him when he was three years old.

However, it is estimated that if he goes to school, he will skip a grade instantly.

Knowing that he is very powerful, but Mucheng still hopes that he can play more like a child.

"Everyone has their own way of living. For Xiao Che, that is the most suitable for him."

Di Yao clearly understood what Mucheng was thinking, and he put his arm around her shoulder.

Mucheng leaned her head on his shoulder and said softly, "Ah Yao, our future children must not behave like this."

"Okay, listen to you."

Di Yao nodded, his eyes full of doting.

Anything is fine as long as she likes it.

"No... who wants to have your child, hum!"

Thinking, Mucheng pushed Di Yao's body away, they were obviously a little emotional.

Although, I can't tell what Dao Ming is making a fuss about.

"If you don't give birth to me, who will you give birth to?"

Di Yao hugged her into his arms, whispering softly in her ear.

His warm breath lingered around her ears, and Mu Cheng trembled slightly.

It is naturally impossible to break free from his embrace.

"What are you doing!"

Mucheng pouted, still unhappy.

"My wife, what's the matter? I'm going to kneel on the washboard?"

Di Yao asked.

His breath was still lingering around Mucheng's ears, Mucheng flinched, but her face was blushing.

"Don't kneel on the washboard, kneel on the durian!"

Mucheng smiled.


Di Yao nodded and went to the kitchen to look for durians.

"Forget it!"

Mucheng took his hand and gave up coquettishly.

"Why, are you reluctant?"

Di Yao continued to hug her, and whispered a few words in her ear.


Mucheng snorted and didn't want to pay attention to him.

As soon as Di Yao picked her up, he walked upstairs.

"What are you doing, people will see you."

Mucheng struggled to get down.

Di Yao looked around, "Where is anyone??"

Mucheng turned around and looked around, and saw the maids who were performing their duties, all of them were expressionless, looking away, as if you couldn't see me, you couldn't see me look.

Mucheng was speechless for a moment, and was just carried upstairs by Di Yao, feeling lingering again.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, when Mucheng was going down, she saw Xiaoxue giggling beside her.

"Xiaoxue, what are you laughing at?"

(End of this chapter)

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