Chapter 240 Cute little fox
Mu Cheng was inexplicable for a while.

"This afternoon, the young master asked someone to dismantle that room."

Xiaoxue blinked at her and looked at her with admiration.


Mucheng nodded, continued to hold the remote control, and switched channels.

"Young Mistress, come and tell us!"

Xiaoju also walked over from the side, looking at her with admiration.

"say what??"

Mu Cheng was speechless.

"The young mistress is so powerful, she won the young master's heart in no time, she is a role model for female compatriots, we want to learn, Xiaoxue is still single now!?"

Xiao Ju's eyes were shining brightly, and she continued to ask.

"Aren't you single??"

Xiaoxue was unhappy, and gave Xiaoju a cold look.

"Hehe... After all, I was in love once before."

Xiaoju glanced at Xiaoxue proudly.

"After all, you haven't talked about it!!"

Xiaoju continued to sarcastic and hurt Xiaoxue a thousand points.

"Hehe... I was in a relationship once, and he simply sent the wrong love letter, and then I couldn't talk to you for two days. This is also considered a relationship, and I laughed too."

Xiaoxue was unmoved, and pulled Xiaoju's old bottom.

Xiaoju's face turned dark immediately.

"Yang Xiaoxue, I will fight with you!"

Xiaoju ran towards Xiaoxue, showing the expression that it's either you die or I live.

"I will be afraid of you!?"

Xiaoxue rolled her eyes, and despite what she said, she ran away.

Leaving Mucheng messy in the air alone.

Why, she gradually discovered that the family members are all weird.

Just now the two of them had a good time, and they wanted to listen to her do two tricks, but gradually the two began to expose each other's weaknesses.

It's also really incredible.

The driver was driving, Sikong Ye and Sikong Che were sitting in the back, neither father nor son spoke.

After a while, Sikong Che looked at Sikong Ye and smiled slightly.

"Dad, I did it, shouldn't you do it too?"


A gleam of light flashed in Sikongye's long and narrow eyes, and then he nodded in agreement.

"Then hand it over quickly!"

There was a smile on the corner of Sikong Che's mouth, and his eyes were full of shrewdness.

Sikongye had no choice but to take out his wallet.

Sikong Che took his wallet and opened it up. The inside of the wallet was very simple, just a few cards and some hundred-yuan bills.

On one side of the wallet, there is a transparent hidden compartment, inside which is a photo of a baby smiling cutely with a bubble spitting out of his mouth.

Sikong Che took out the photo of himself when he was a child, and carefully took out the photo of himself taking Di Yao's head off from his backpack.

He stuffed the photo in, looked left and right, and found it extremely beautiful.

No matter how you look at it, it feels very pleasing to the eye.

Sikongye couldn't help rubbing his forehead, he felt a headache.

There are photos of other people's wives in my wallet, this kind of thing is very strange!
But... I promised this kid before, but there is no way to change it.

Before the two of them were watching the news at home, he just talked about coming to help Mucheng.

Then they bet out of nowhere, and Sikong Che won out of nowhere.

He drove away Song Jiaren, and Mucheng and Di Yao looked very sweet again.

It seems... This wallet cannot be lost!

"You must not use this wallet!"

Sikong Che narrowed his eyes, like a little fox.

(End of this chapter)

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