Chapter 254 Someone's Husband
Zuo Yueran on the side looked enviously, to be honest, she usually doesn't care about these people.

But, why are people, other people's husbands, so romantic?

My husband only knows how to be silly and happy.

The gifts I give are always flowers, Kakaka, jewelry...

However, giving the same jewelry like this will really make people feel hundreds of times happier.

The woman's vanity swelled greatly.

Seeing Zuo Yueran's displeased eyes, Li Fan avoided it with a guilty conscience.

But in his heart he was cursing Di Yao, wife slave!

How could he think of so many things when he was like a wooden person before.

The auction was still going on, but it had nothing to do with Mucheng and Di Yao. The two embraced each other, immersed in their own world.

Song Jiaren sat two rows behind him, and her line of sight happened to see their interaction.

There are mixed feelings in my heart, although there is still a slight smile on my face, there is a deep chill in my eyes.

Her hands were tightly clutching the handbag in her hand. The diamonds in the handbag were very hard. In fact, her palms were really painful, but she still didn't move.

"Girl, are you okay!"

Wei Zhe, who was sitting beside her, also asked with some concern.

Cousin's actions caused ten thousand points of harm to the single dogs present.

It was [-] points of damage to the envious and jealous women present.

But for this woman who loved her deeply, it was a hundred thousand points of damage.


Song Jiaren was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled brightly, like beautiful flowers blooming on the hillside in spring.

"I am fine!"

Her voice was still very gentle, but the faint sadness in her eyes was caught by Wei Zhe.

He opened his mouth, wanting to tell Song Jiaren, just give up.

Some love, the past is the past.

You are stubbornly waiting, but you can't wait.

Some love, it does not belong to you anymore.

But looking at Song Jiaren's eyes, those eyes are the eyes that hold the sky full of stars.

The trace of sadness inside deeply throbbed his heart.

He couldn't say it, he couldn't say anything.

The two stared at each other for a while, and Song Jiaren looked away again. Although her eyes were looking at the stage, they still seemed to drift towards Mu Cheng and the others.

Hehe, I am very happy now, right Mucheng!
I just hope that you will have the last laugh!

She glanced at the diamond watch on her wrist again, the time was almost up, and at the end...

A smile appeared on the corner of Song Jiaren's mouth.

She is really looking forward to seeing the storm that will be triggered afterwards.

Soon, the auction ended perfectly with a high price of 32 billion.

Later, some popular stars came to the stage to sing.

Finally, the final highlight begins...

He is still the previous director, probably because he raised a lot of money for charity today, and he is also full of wrinkles with a smile on his face.

"I don't know who the charity ambassador will be elected today?"

His questioning words aroused enthusiastic interaction among Song Jiaren fans in the arena.

"Song Jiaren!"

"Song Jiaren!"

The climax is higher than the next!
Song Jiaren sat there, listening to her name being called loudly, she smiled.

He seemed unmoved, but there was a different color in his eyes.

"Okay! Then let's see the big screen!"

(End of this chapter)

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