Chapter 255 Wang Anni Appears

He dodged to the side, and a picture of Song Jiaren, Qingzhi, and a superstar Deni flashed across the big screen.

Flashing with each other, just when they were about to stay on one screen at the end, the big screen suddenly fell into darkness.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

The director's face changed slightly, and he stretched out his hand, signaling to the people on the side to go down and check.

At this time, the darkened screen suddenly flickered, and Zizlara made a burst of noise.

Finally, there was an impact and a woman appeared on the big screen.

It wasn't Song Jiaren's photo, nor was it Qing Zhi's photo.

"Who, who!?"

A lot of people are talking about it, this is the last climax, come here.

Others didn't know her, but Mucheng could clearly see who that girl was.

Annie Wang! !

On her body, she was wearing a black short skirt with a chest, and her face was painted with heavy makeup.

Even so, one could clearly see the hatred in her eyes.

That inexplicable hatred made Mucheng feel a chill in her heart.

At this time, a warm hand covered her fingers and clasped them tightly.

The palms of his hands were tightly attached to his, and his heart, which was originally a bit cold, was gradually warmed by him.

Mucheng felt that as long as she was with Di Yao, she could feel at ease.

"I am Wang Anni, my father, who used to be the director of the Empire Group, but he is no longer here... I used to have a happy family, but now it is gone. I only have one person. Why am I so miserable? ??"

Wang Anni's eyes became crazy, and she looked around, as if she was looking for a point.

Finally, her eyes stopped at one point.

Everyone also looked at the past. In fact, they just said that the Empire Group, and everyone's eyes naturally knew where to put them.

All of them stared at Di Yao with their eyes like torches. ,
oops!I didn't expect that, coming to a boring charity party, there is such a thing.

"It's Mucheng..."

Wang Anni continued talking, but as soon as the name Mucheng was mentioned, everyone was shocked again.

Di Yao's wife, Mucheng!

Just because of the [-] million necklace, the sensation has not dissipated.

But, what kind of connection is there between the two of them! ?

Did this woman have anything to do with Di Yao? ?

Immediately, everyone's brains began to think about it again. They were all romantic events. After all, it was because of Song Jiaren's matter before.

It's fun to think about it, Di Yao was always said to be gay before, but after he got married, his sexual news came one after another.

Oh, this man, they are all the same.

Wang Anni hasn't said anything clearly yet, the people below the stage have already made up a plot in their brains. This is a sad story.

A woman who is by his side because of her unique love deserves to die.

It seems that something is deliberately being created, and some time is specially given for everyone to think about something.

"Designer Mucheng, that's her... the wife of the president of the Imperial Group, Mucheng, she has worked so hard! What do you want? Just because I accidentally offended her, I ruined my entire family. This vicious woman."

(End of this chapter)

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