Chapter 263 I Don't Like Her

From this point of view, Song Jiaren was a real victim.

And it's the kind of person who was dragged into the water for no reason, ha ha.

The final press conference was over, and everyone rushed to interview Wang Anni.

After all, it is very controversial for an entertainment news to turn into this in the end.

"Is it really that simple? Do you think Wang Anni can arrange all this??"

Mucheng sat in the lounge, looking at Di Yao.

"This is the result of the investigation. Wang Anni followed a very powerful person. This person helped her arrange a lot, even, but there was a person caught there who leaked your design draft."

Di Yao put his arms around her shoulders.

Mucheng pursed her lips and said nothing, but... this was the result of the investigation, although she felt that everything was ridiculous.

She felt that everything would not be so simple, but the result is the result.

"Let's go back first!"

Di Yao took her hand, and the two walked out of the lounge.

The two were surrounded by bodyguards, and just as they walked into the lobby of the Imperial Hotel, they saw Song Jiaren walking over who was also surrounded by people.

Her eyes were red, and her expression was a bit haggard. She was so weak that when one saw her, a trace of desire for protection suddenly rose up.

The two teams, face to face, just knocked down together.

"Ah Yao, I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen!?"

Song Jiaren bit her lower lip, with tears in her eyes, as if she really didn't expect this to happen.

Di Yao looked at her, didn't speak, took Mucheng's hand and walked past her.

Song Jiaren looked at his heartless back, she didn't need any acting skills at this moment, tears just flowed down her face.

Looking at Di Yao's decisive back, her heart was torn into several pieces.

Why did this happen, yes, she calculated a lot.

He even calculated how she would get out afterward.

The only one not counted is Di Yao.

To plot against him, he will help Mucheng clarify.

Even though he never wanted to admit it, he still had to admit that he had always been on Mucheng's side.

It has nothing to do with her.

Song Jiaren's tears fell down, and her eyes were full of sadness.

She just stood there in a daze, crying, like an abandoned puppy.

The reporters around are all good people.

In an instant, he captured everything sharply, and began to take photos in a snappy manner.

"Stop shooting!"

Lisa quickly stood in front of Song Jiaren, feeling very angry and unwilling.

Miss Jiaren, why did you make yourself look like this for a married man?

For what, just for her so-called love?
It's been a year of chaos here, and Mucheng and the others don't know it.

The two sat in the car and drove towards Mingshan Villa.

"I do not like her!"

Mucheng pouted and spoke in a low voice.


"So, I don't like you having contact with her either!"

Mucheng still pouted, but her tone of voice carried a kind of disgust.

"it is good!"

Di Yao still nodded and agreed.

Two people, one didn't clearly say who she was, and the other didn't clearly ask who she was.

Obviously, both of them knew each other clearly.

With Di Yao's approval, Mucheng immediately hugged his arm and smiled.

Di Yao looked at her and smiled again, with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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