Chapter 264
As long as she is happy, everything is fine.

What's more, he also felt that there was a clue to this matter.

However, he was a little sorry for Song Jiaren.

Before, Wei Zhe had also told him that when Song Jiaren left without saying goodbye, there was actually an unspeakable secret.

Because grandpa used the people in her family and threatened her to leave.

Therefore, he doesn't want to continue to investigate thoroughly this year, as long as she doesn't do anything that is not good for Mucheng.

Otherwise, he won't let her go.

After sending Mucheng home, Di Yao returned to the company.

Mucheng was sitting on the sofa, on the TV screen, although some programs were playing, there were laughter and laughter.

But Mucheng couldn't look into it.

She stood up suddenly, no, even though Di Yao said so.

She still wanted it, so she went to Wang Anni to find out. ,
Things, it seems, are the truth.

But she felt that this was unclear and a little scary.

Mucheng immediately asked the driver to take her to Wang Anni's villa, which was found out by Di Yao's investigation before.

It was the person who kept him and bought it for her.

When we came to the vicinity of the villa, it was overcrowded.

The siren is also a sound.

Mucheng put on her sunglasses, got out of the car, and walked a few steps forward, she asked the people watching.

"What happened in front??"

The people who watched the excitement were already depressed and had no one to talk to, but they were also very happy when someone asked at this time.

"Originally, that mistress committed a crime, and the police were going to come and take her away. Who knew that after they came, she cut her pulse and committed suicide."


Such a coincidence?
There was a burst of doubt in Mucheng's eyes. At this moment, there was a commotion in front of her again, and she continued to look forward.

I saw someone come out carrying a stretcher, covered with a white cloth, with his arms hanging down.

It can be seen that that arm is paler than ordinary people.

Mucheng took two steps back and stepped on someone.


She turned around quickly and apologized to the man.

Who knew that as soon as she turned around, she saw Zhang Meng's pale expression, and her eyes were also full of horror, as if she had seen a ghost.

Seeing her motionless, Mucheng apologized to her, but she was also indifferent.

He stared at the white cloth in a daze, with horror in his eyes.

"Zhang Meng!"

Mucheng stretched out her hand and touched her lightly.


Zhang Meng was touched by her slightly cold fingertips, and she was as frightened as a bird.

She screamed hysterically, and in the end, she ran away without looking at Mucheng.

Mucheng touched her hand, the car got out just now, and the air conditioner inside was a little low.

If it's cooler, you don't have to be scared to look like this!

Mucheng was a little puzzled, she turned her head again, and watched Wang Anni's body being carried onto the car, and soon the crowd gradually dispersed.

The smell of blood in the air dissipated.

She looked around and suddenly felt a little cold in her arms.

I don't want to stay here any longer.

Driver, turn around and continue driving the car back.

Mucheng sat in the car, wrapped herself in a shawl.

She gradually lost her mind, Wang Anni died now?

She suddenly thought again, is it her fault?

If she hadn't gone to the design department at that time, wouldn't Wang Anni have become a result of this?

Mucheng closed her eyes, feeling a little absent-minded.

(End of this chapter)

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