Chapter 273
Although Song Jiaren was criticized by Qingzhi, she remained calm and returned to normal.

The male protagonist stood aside, still maintaining the posture of being beaten before.

Song Jiaren slapped Qingzhi on the face again.

The sound of "啪——" was also very loud.

Qingzhi's face was whipped aside.

She wailed in her heart. Damn Song Jiaren, she really did it on purpose!
It really hurts, it hurts!

Originally thought that this would be the end, but Song Jiaren let out a yo, and Xizi covered her heart with her hands in her hands, frowning lightly, with a soft and weak appearance, not as domineering as the one who slapped someone just now.

Qing Zhi, whose face was slightly red and swollen after being beaten again, ignored her, and everyone gathered around Song Jiaren.

"Miss Beauty, are you alright?"

The director stood aside anxiously, anxiously asking what would happen to her, she was a superstar after all.

Ah, it's so annoying, and I didn't buy insurance for her.

But don't be on the set, what happened!

Thinking about it, the director gave Qingzhi a cold look.

It must be Qingzhi who had a rift with Song Jiaren, that's why this happened.

If I knew I wouldn't need her, I wouldn't add drama to her.

"Qingqing, are you okay!"

Mucheng took an ice pack, walked to Qing Zhi's side, and applied it to her face.


Qingzhi shook her head and applied an ice pack to her face.

Mucheng frowned, looking at Song Jiaren who was surrounded by everyone.

What is this woman thinking about?

"Miss Beauty, how are you?"

The director wiped off his sweat, and asked Song Jiaren impatiently, for fear that something might happen to her.

"I'm fine, let everyone worry!!"

Song Jiaren sat on the chair, took a sip of tea, and kept her pale face, which made her look a lot better.

"Director, if this is the case, use a substitute!"

The assistant director on the side reminded that the two of them were obviously not going to deal with them, so they might as well call a stand-in to deal with them hastily.

"no need!"

Song Jiaren waved her hands again and again, but she hasn't hit Qingzhi enough yet.

"No need, Miss Jiaren is very professional, we know, but your body really can't be like this anymore."

The director interrupted her again and again, and she really couldn't keep making trouble.

One can't be offended by superstars, and the other can't be offended by tomorrow's stars.

So, he is the worst.

Seeing him like this, Song Jiaren stopped talking.

She began to drink tea slowly, not because she was self-righteous, she had never used a double before.

Moreover, her hair is black, straight and long, where can I find such a back? ?
Thinking of this, Song Jiaren drank tea in a leisurely manner.

Sure enough, in the next second, the director's headache was heard there.

"Since there is no substitute, what are you talking about, you just told Miss Jiaren, what should you do now?"

The director scolded angrily.

Song Jiaren smiled even more when she heard it, and was thinking about getting up and saying that she could continue filming, so the director thought she was even more lovely.

But before he could stand up, he heard the assistant director pointing at Mucheng.

"Director, don't you think she's pretty good!"

When the director saw Mu Orange's image, he immediately thought of her identity.

Immediately scolded again, "Your brain is trapped by the door, what is your identity, how could you do this!"

After being scolded by the director, the assistant director didn't take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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