Chapter 274 Just a Back View

"Looking at the good relationship between her and Qingzhi, let's talk about it."

The assistant director blinked at the director.

When the director saw his eyes, he instantly understood.

Now also nodded.

The assistant director immediately walked towards Mucheng and the others.

Song Jiaren's body, which was just about to stand up, froze even more.

Hehe, her substitute.

Mucheng, are you going to be her substitute for Song Jiaren?

Hmph, she's only good enough to be a stand-in.

At that moment, Song Jiaren sneered a few times, and continued to drink the tea in small sips, with an extremely elegant demeanor.

"Miss Mucheng!?"

The assistant director walked up to Mucheng and the others, and called Mucheng politely.

"What's the matter??"

Mucheng was still making faces for Qingzhi, but now she saw the assistant director walking up and talking to her, she also found it strange.

"We want you to be Miss Song Jiaren's substitute."

The assistant director didn't think carefully about the words, and just said what he wanted.

As soon as Mucheng heard that it was Song Jiaren's stand-in, Mucheng was very reluctant the first time.


She shook her head and refused, anyone's is fine, why is it Song Jiaren's, or a substitute.

This word is really disgusting.

"Cheng Cheng, just be it once!"

Qingzhi on the side, with a bitter face, also began to comfort her.


Mucheng was puzzled.

"If you don't act as a stand-in, I'll be a pig tonight, how can I go on a date!?"

Qingzhi pointed to her own face with a helpless expression.

The assistant director on the side nodded in a matter-of-fact way.

Mucheng was speechless for a moment.

"All right!"

She couldn't bear it, Qingzhi was beaten like that.

"Okay, then let me tell you something, I will do it later."

Hearing Mucheng's promise, the assistant director seemed to come back to life.

He explained the process to Mucheng, and Mucheng nodded, it wasn't too difficult.

Soon, the filming started again.

Mucheng went to change into the same skirt as Song Jiaren's, and her jet-black hair was loosely draped behind her back.

Fortunately, it was a back view, Mucheng's front was really too hot, it was just a simple white long dress, but she was able to wear a little sexy.

The crowd suddenly lit up.

After all, it was Di Yao's wife who was filming the stand-in, and Mucheng's appearance and figure were both very good. After a while, it was crowded with people, all eager to watch.

The sparse people around Song Jiaren were all gone, and Lisa was the only one standing by her side.

Song Jiaren's eyes were soft, with a bright smile on her lips, she seemed to be watching Mucheng and the others filming.

But there was a bitter chill in her eyes.

But that chill came too fast for people to catch it.


Mucheng's strike seemed to be heavy, but it was soft, "pa——".

With tears in her eyes, Qingzhi covered her face and looked at her in disbelief.

Mucheng clenched her hands into fists, tightly.

It could be vaguely seen that her back was trembling slightly.

All the people at the scene were inconceivably immersed in this wonderful atmosphere.


After a while, the director yelled a click.

"It's perfect, thank you Miss Mucheng, you didn't even get NG once, you are really great!"

The assistant director walked over directly, almost holding Mucheng's hand, and calling her a talented person.

Just a back view can express the feeling of anger but helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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