Chapter 281 Strange Questions
"Okay, grandma!"

She yelled out with a smile.

Looking at Mucheng's smiling face, Zhou Yijun lost his mind for another moment.

"Your surname is Mu?"

She asked aloud, and there seemed to be some uncertainty in her words.

"That's right! My name is Mucheng!"

Although she knew that Zhou Yijun knew her name, Mucheng still read her name carefully.

"Mucheng, it sounds very nice."

Zhou Yijun smiled and nodded.

Mucheng smiled back.

Zhou Yijun asked her about the family situation, and Mucheng answered truthfully.

The two had some refreshments and drank a pot of tea.

Zhou Yijun said that after seeing her next time, Mucheng touched her watery stomach and went downstairs.

It wasn't until she walked out of the teahouse that she realized that when she met Zhou Yijun, she didn't show her the design draft at all!

She turned around again and walked inside.

By the time she got upstairs, the bellboy was already tidying up the room.

"Where's Zhou... grandma?"

She asked suspiciously, she was just in front of the gate, why didn't she see anyone go out.

It's really weird.

"Old lady Zhou, went down from the other side!"

The waiter still replied with a smile.

"Oh fine!"

Mucheng responded, and went downstairs, she herself was inexplicable, what the hell was that inexplicable sense of loss.

When standing at the intersection once, Di Yao's car drove over.

"Beauty, are you alone?"

Di Yao leaned against the car window with one hand, and winked at her handsomely.


Mucheng smiled and readily agreed.

When she got into the car, Di Yao naturally held her hand in his palm.

"Have you not eaten yet!?"

Mucheng opened her eyes wide and looked at him.

"No! Had a cup of coffee."

Di Yao drove the car and asked again, "Have you eaten?"

"Drinking a full stomach of tea, I'm still hungry!"

Mucheng looked at Di Yao bitterly.

"Then let's go to that novelty restaurant??"

Di Yao smiled, with a trace of narrowness between his brows.

"Okay, okay!"

Mucheng hurriedly agreed, and she was super interested after hearing what Di Yao said about the novel store.

Going now, it's really not too early, not too late, just right.

"Have you seen your design draft?"

Di Yao asked.

"No...Grandma has been asking about other things all the time, and she didn't talk about the relative design draft. She doesn't seem to care much about it."

Mucheng was a little disappointed.

"You call her grandma??"

Di Yao was surprised that Mucheng would call her grandma.

"That's right, it's grandma who asked me to call you that."

Mucheng nodded, feeling very strange about Di Yao's astonishment.

Di Yao became even more restless.

Don't know anything else, he still knows this.

At a banquet before, I met Zhou Yijun, a popular singer at that time, and when I went to talk to her, I called her grandma.

She was almost scolded to death at that time, but now she is doing this, asking Mucheng to call her grandma.

It is also very surprising, a sense of disobedience rose in his heart.

"Then what is she asking you?"

Di Yao asked.

"Just ask about my family situation, about my parents."

After Mucheng said that, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Di Yao.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong?"


Di Yao smiled and said nothing more.

(End of this chapter)

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