Chapter 282 Novelty Restaurant

But after that, I still have to check Zhou Yijun.

While the two were talking, they arrived at the restaurant.

After getting out of the car, Mucheng felt something was wrong.

Originally, when the car drove into the mountains, she felt a little out of place, and besides, there was a gust of cool wind at this time.

What was in front of me was a dilapidated old castle building, and a gust of cool wind blew by, immediately felt eerie.

"go in!"

Di Yao grabbed Mucheng's hand, but Mucheng stood still, her feet seemed to be on the ground.

"I do not want to go!"

Mucheng stared wide-eyed, knowing that she was afraid of these messy things, and even took her to eat in this kind of place.

Really want to kill him!

"The contents inside are really good!"

When Di Yao saw her fingers, he tightened them suddenly, with a smile on his lips.

He took her hand and took two steps forward.

Mucheng followed behind him hesitantly.


She called out to Di Yao in displeasure.

"Huh?? What?"

Di Yao still walked towards the castle.

"Is it really delicious??"

Mucheng asked.

"Of course, I won't lie to you!"

Di Yao guaranteed the ticket, "Li Fan and Ran Ran have both come here to eat, and the two of them have come several times."

"Oh fine!"

Mucheng nodded, and said nothing more.

However, he is a natural foodie, so he usually cares about what he eats.

So if you follow Ranran, there must be nothing wrong.

Immediately, the pace of moving forward suddenly became a little faster.

Seeing the guise of Zuo Yueran, Mucheng was a little moved, and there was always a slight smile on Di Yao's lips.

The two got closer and closer, and soon came to the old castle. The old castle seemed to have deliberately created such a sense of decadence, with a strong sense of history.

At the bottom of the wall, there are still many roses growing.

At this time, the sky is dark blue, and a curved moon, like a hook, hangs obliquely in the sky.

Castle Rose, in such a deep and lonely night, added a touch of indifference.

Originally, in my heart, it was completely horror.

Looking at these castle roses at this time, there is a different feeling.

Push open the heavy single door of the castle and walk in, but it is a different kind of luxury.

Carpets, crystal lamps, tables and chairs, and even a small decoration are all extremely delicate and beautiful.

With these things, it is obvious that it looks like a restaurant.

The tables and chairs here are all pink inlaid with gold, the tablecloths are covered with red, and the curtains in the distance are also bright red.

Because the arched windows were open, the wind blew in from the outside, and the curtains floated slightly.

The fragrance of roses outside also blows in with the breeze.

"Why is there no wait staff in this restaurant!?"

Mucheng was very strange, there were already several tables in the distance, and there were obviously people sitting and eating.

But this place is fundamentally different from other restaurants, there is not even a single waiter walking around.

"Excuse me, what would you like to eat, sir?"

Just after Mucheng's words fell, a gloomy voice rang in Mucheng's ear.

Mucheng shuddered, she was holding Di Yao's hand, but suddenly tightened it.

The expression on Di Yao's face changed slightly.

She has so much strength, but it really hurts, okay?
At this time, Mucheng was terrified, staring at the thing that popped up in front of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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