Chapter 316 Your Carnival
Several people chatted in the water bar for a while, then changed their clothes again and went out.

After an afternoon of playing, the setting sun was also hanging in the sky at this time, and it was about to set.

There are tall coconut trees on the side of the road. Through the coconut groves, you can see the boundless and sparkling sea.

"Ah Yao, what shall we have for dinner tonight?"

Mucheng stretched out her hand and took his arm.

"There is a campfire barbecue here, let's eat this!"


Mucheng was very happy.

Recently, due to an injury, I eat very light, or very nourishing soup.

The mouth has long been weak.

When I think of barbecue, I have a mouthful of meat, a mouthful of oil, and a fragrant taste.

I feel very refreshed when I think about it.

Qingzhi also cheered, eating something is the most joyful.

A few people walked to the beach together. There are already a lot of things on display here, and there are already locals grilling meat.

The aroma of barbecue, accompanied by the sea breeze, filled the air.

There is a large area on the beach, covered with carpets, surrounded by tall candlesticks.

There are many, many flowers.

On the other side, there is a long table, about seven to eighty meters long.

It is pieced together with several long tables.

Topped with fruits and seafood.

Wei Zhe also went to pay the money, and several of them settled down on the beach again.

Just quietly watching the sunset, the orange sunset slowly falling below the horizon.

"Ah Yao, it's been a long time since we watched the sunset like this!"

Mucheng leaned her head on Di Yao's shoulder and spoke softly.


Di Yao nodded.

Looking down at Mucheng's exquisite face, his heart was full.

This feeling is really wonderful, doing the simplest things with the person you like is so good.

Everyone stopped talking, just quietly watching the sea.

There was bursts of music in my ears.

The feeling at this time is really beautiful and makes people melt.

Soon, the sky darkened.

The candles and lamps on the beach were lit, and all the people walked on the carpet and danced.

Watching the local dance, full of enthusiasm.

Mucheng is also eager to try.

She held Qingzhi's hand, and just when she reached the edge of the carpet, someone gave them two garlands.

Both of them put wreaths on their heads, they are more delicate than flowers.

They entered the crowd one after another, and danced their bodies along with the music.

Qingzhi has learned to dance, and she dances beautifully. Even if she learns from the people around her, she quickly gets into the woods and dances with style.

Probably she is beautiful, and she looks good when she dances, and soon there are many men around her, dancing around her.

Mucheng doesn't know how to dance, but she looks cute when she learns to dance. She has a hot figure, but with such twists and turns, she looks charming.

Around her was also crowded with people, all wanting to teach her how to dance.

Originally, the two men were just watching from the sidelines.

In fact, I really don't want to dance, let alone such a strange dance.

However, when I found that my women were surrounded by people, I couldn't stand it anymore, and they also went to the carpet one after another, and started to push away those men, sticking to my women, and danced a dance I made up at will .


Mucheng laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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