Chapter 317 Happy Forever
Probably because he has never seen such a funny side of Di Yao. He has always looked like a domineering president. He usually dances waltz, that kind of elegant dance.

But what the hell is this kind of thing that crawls like a crab again?

On the contrary, Wei Zhe also dances very well, but has a playful feeling.

Soon, everyone surrounded Qingzhi and Wei Zhe and clapped their hands.

Mucheng also stopped panting, laughed and clapped her hands vigorously.

Di Yao also breathed a sigh of relief, and stood beside Mucheng.

Finally no more dancing.

Qingzhi and Wei Zheye finished their dance, which drew warm applause from the crowd.

The dancing is over, and a carnival has just begun.

A few people went to get the barbecue first, then the seafood and fruits, and then sat on the side to enjoy the food.

“This barbecue is delicious!”

Mucheng took a bite and was full of praise.

The outside is a bit burnt, but it has a burnt aroma.

The inside is incredibly tender, and every bite seems to contain juice.

“The chicken wings are delicious too!”

Qingzhi took a bite, and put another gallop on her plate into Mucheng's plate.

However, Wei Zhe, who was sitting next to her, also thought she gave it to him.

Hastily lowered the plate, who knew it was empty.

He looked at Qingzhi with a disappointed face.

Qingzhi also had no other choice, so she gave him the chicken wings that she had eaten in two mouthfuls.

Wei Zhe also gnawed happily, as if Qingzhi had eaten it before, and it was even more delicious.

Mucheng hurriedly shared her barbecue with Qingzhi.

Everyone ate barbecue, and it was very refreshing.

I walked all the way back to the hotel, let's not talk about it for now.

After Mucheng took a shower, she stood on the balcony wearing a long skirt, looking at the beach outside, she always had the urge to go down for a walk.

"Why, do you want to go down?"

Di Yao came over, with a white bath towel around his waist, with the towel in his hand, wiping the water from his hair.

The water droplets followed the sharp chin and passed across the strong chest one by one, making people feel very attractive just by looking at it.


Mu Orange nodded.

"Then go down!"

Di Yao pulled her back into the room, put on shorts and a T-shirt, and the two walked downstairs.

Soon stepped on the beach.

Mucheng kicked off her shoes, and happily ran barefoot on the beach.

Di Yao looked helplessly at her figure running on the beach, picked up the shoes she had kicked off, and walked slowly forward.

Mucheng walked on the beach barefoot, her feet were soft and itchy.

She turned around and looked at Di Yao with a sweet smile.

The night wind was strong, blowing up her skirt and her long hair.

Under the moonlight, under the waves, under the night wind.

She is breathtakingly beautiful.

"A Yao, I feel like standing on the beach at night, the world is silent."

She smiled, very happy.

Looking at her picturesque smile, Di Yao also laughed.

He will take good care of her beauty and keep it well.

Let her be so happy, happy forever.

Mucheng stood still in the distance, and waited until Di Yao came to her side, then she took his hand, and the two continued to walk forward.

The sea breeze is blowing, and I walk casually.

I feel that the quiet feeling from inside is also a little bit boundless.

(End of this chapter)

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